
Flaming Iguanas Essay

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Erika Lopez’s Flaming Iguanas addresses various constitutions of American identity, including ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. The protagonist, Jolene, is illustrative of how these constitutions of identity are complicated as she travels west. Traveling westward is considered a male gendered movement that rejects the constraints of middle class life, therefore, they decide to get on the road in hopes of finding selfhood also avoiding and rejecting the commitment to family life. Jolene being a woman on the road plans to accomplish selfhood because she is a middle class woman who also rejects the restricting life of domesticity. Flaming Iguanas demonstrates that gender, class, and ethnicity tie into the ability or inability of finding one’s …show more content…

Jolene’s attempt to establish a female role in a heterosexual relationship demonstrates the domesticity and passiveness women succumb to. Jolene puts all of her effort into it; she claims that she “wanted to belong / look like the other women in the grocery store” (146) and begins to fulfill homely duties like preparing food for Bert. The use of the virgule emphasizes her desire to be inclusive and belong to a particular identity of womanhood or femininity. Like Shannon, she seeks to belong and express her individuality, and because men do not take notice or are taken aback by the assertive female, women give up. This becomes problematic because she conforms to female gender roles and Jolene is a women’s advocate for feminists across the country. Her relationship with Bert becomes a failed attempt at domesticity when she worries about the future, and Bert admits to having an affair with a young dispatcher. Her willingness to forgo family life and to “having a fucking garden for this guy” (150) left Jolene with heartache and realization. She was hurt because she could have been happy living as a homemaker, but this image was interrupted by the fact that this relationship showed her that she has no agency or dominance over Bert or any male. Therefore, Jolene moves on to seek a dominant sense of self, which is not in a heterosexual

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