
Flags Of Our Fathers Summary

Decent Essays

For my third outside reading project of the year, I chose to read Flags of our Fathers by James Bradley. Bradley’s book fascinated me as it shifted from a soldier's pre war everyday life to their experiences with Iwo Jima and WWII. Throughout his story, the third person point of view gave a unique opportunity to set the historical context of a war imprinted into nearly everyone on this planet's history. The authors use of chapters was ingenious as the choice gave him an ability to show phases throughout the war torn era whether it was in as a young American man looking for a purpose, the naive young soldier etching for a fight, or the experienced vet on his way home from a traumatic world war. The story starts as giving some much needed historical context, explains his connection and motivation behind the book. He says, “six boys called to me from half a century ago…” and later explains “One of those flag raisers was my father”. That motivation for writing this book is seen throughout as you can tell he has a passion for it, he's not just a writer writing for a publisher. He's an American writing about his father's story of when he was called on to protect his country. He introduces characters in more detail in chapter four where the real story begins. …show more content…

Two coming out of high school, one as a marine corporal, and even one as a funeral director's apprentice. This is important to the history of the book, as it's able to give depth to this history of WWII. Every man came from a different place, a different job, and a different way of life. It shows how Americans felt their patriotic duty to fight, while also showing how citizens were forced to drop everything as “all out war” erupted across the globe. He goes on telling the story of their experiences and their war filled lives. The story touches on D day for four straight chapters as the pain is evident

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