
Essay on Flag Burning: The Debate Continues

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Abstract Several times in our nation's history, Congress has introduced a bill that would provide for banning flag desecration. Each time, however, the Supreme Court ruled that this act was protected by the First Amendment freedom of speech rights. The debate over this topic continues, with both sides arguing for "the good of the country."

In a 1943 landmark Supreme Court case, Justice Robert H. Jackson wrote, "The freedom to differ is not limited to things that do not matter much" (qtd. in Jacoby el al. 20). This concept can be applied in the debate on whether to amend the Constitution to ban flag burning. When one considers the Constitution and the symbolic meaning of the United States flag, he or she can see that this is …show more content…

Many people are also concerned with the idea that burning flags somehow dishonors those who fought for this country in the wars. Representative Henry Hyde, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said, "Too many men have marched behind the flag, too many have returned in a wooden box with the flag as their only blanket... not to honor and revere that flag" (qtd. in Feder 114). However, these flags were also used to honor these mens' lives by protesting some of the very wars they died in; some flag burners so valued their fellow countrymen's lives that they burned the nation's most visible symbol. During the 1960s, those protesting involvement in the Vietnam War burned thousands of flags and destroyed others in several different ways (Relin 18). This was to show that they did not support the war, not that they did not respect those who fought in it for the country they were trying to "better." The flag burners also protested the morality of a war in which the United States destroyed land, blew up homes of innocent people, and burned thousands of people to death. "That, more than anything else, desecrates our flag, making it one of the most distrusted and feared banners around the world. How agitated we become when someone insults our flag, but every day in a hundred different ways we defile it, trample its spirit, drag through the dirt the principles it represents" ("Desecrating" 772).

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