
First Year Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

First Year Seminar is a beneficial, getting started-like course provided by West Coast University during the first term of the program. Since the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is very rigorous this course is helpful in adjusting new students, such as myself, to a very demanding, fast-pace program. This class focuses on topics that help students organize and understand oneself and the mission of WCU mission to achieve the greatest success as a student. In my Signature Assignment term paper I will focus on my experience with FYS and what information I’ve gained to help me understand my learning style, strengths and weaknesses I have as a student, how working collaboratively benefits me and how I will go about achieving success at WCU. Although all the topics covered in FYS are necessary to becoming a successful student the topics that affected me most were covered in weeks two, five, seven and eight. Week two covered the topic on what student student success means to me & understanding my learning style. These two topics affects me greatly because student success is very important to this journey and if I have an ideal image of what success means to me it will be an exact goal of what I want to accomplish at WCU and I believe that having plans and goals are the ultimate key in achieving success; they will serve as my outline and guidelines. The second half of week two covered learning style. It was noted that I am a visual learner. According to Felder & Solomon

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