
First People By David King Summary

Decent Essays

I read First People: An Illustrated History of American Indians, written by David C. King. Native Americans were here before I was. “18,000-13,000 BCE first humans arrive in Americas across Bering Land Bridge.”( David C. page 15.). Native Americans started out as hunters and gathers. Men would hunt, and the kids and women would gather, so they were always on the move. When they would get an animal they would use everything including: the hide, the meat, and the bones. The hide was very important to make a lot of things such as: clothes, toys, bowls, bags, tipis, saddles, and shield. They would use the horns for utensils and a bonnet wore be the warrior society. The bones would be used as paint brushes. They also used them to make hide scrapers. Native Americans had tomahawks, lances, long-handled clubs, …show more content…

My family came from Germany on a ship. We didn’t have to hunt and gather and live a nomadic lifestyle. We had a farm and would gather the crops we had. We would still hunt but we did use all of it. We use the meat but everything else is wasted. Our clothes are not made out of hide as much anymore we use other things to make them now. Our toys and made out of plastic and metal instead of hide. Our bowls and utensils are a lot different now from what Native people used. Our lifestyle has changed so much since the time Native Americans lived. They would travel on their feet or on horseback and now we have planes, cars, trains, ships, and many other things to get around on. It was very dangerous for them to travel. They would have to worry about food, water, clothing, and other things to stay alive and it would take them a long time to travel. For us now traveling is super fast we can get around to anywhere and have the ability to go around the world whenever we want. Our weapons now are a lot more diely now than what Native Americans had and our fights always seem to be big and have a lot if

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