I read First People: An Illustrated History of American Indians, written by David C. King. Native Americans were here before I was. “18,000-13,000 BCE first humans arrive in Americas across Bering Land Bridge.”( David C. page 15.). Native Americans started out as hunters and gathers. Men would hunt, and the kids and women would gather, so they were always on the move. When they would get an animal they would use everything including: the hide, the meat, and the bones. The hide was very important to make a lot of things such as: clothes, toys, bowls, bags, tipis, saddles, and shield. They would use the horns for utensils and a bonnet wore be the warrior society. The bones would be used as paint brushes. They also used them to make hide scrapers. Native Americans had tomahawks, lances, long-handled clubs, …show more content…
My family came from Germany on a ship. We didn’t have to hunt and gather and live a nomadic lifestyle. We had a farm and would gather the crops we had. We would still hunt but we did use all of it. We use the meat but everything else is wasted. Our clothes are not made out of hide as much anymore we use other things to make them now. Our toys and made out of plastic and metal instead of hide. Our bowls and utensils are a lot different now from what Native people used. Our lifestyle has changed so much since the time Native Americans lived. They would travel on their feet or on horseback and now we have planes, cars, trains, ships, and many other things to get around on. It was very dangerous for them to travel. They would have to worry about food, water, clothing, and other things to stay alive and it would take them a long time to travel. For us now traveling is super fast we can get around to anywhere and have the ability to go around the world whenever we want. Our weapons now are a lot more diely now than what Native Americans had and our fights always seem to be big and have a lot if
Stone axes are made from steel. Knives are made from sharpened stone , particularly flint , chert, and obsidian. Bone and copper is last resorts , if used at all if is for crafts and and kitchen utensils for preparing food . Armor and shields size and construction were round in shape and about 3 feet in diameter and made of wood covered in layers of hardened rawhide. Rawhide is a hide or animal skin that hasn’t been exposed to tanning , this is skin usually comes from buffalo, deer, elk , and cattle . Rawhide originates is prepared by removing all fur, meat , and fat from a animal. These shields are designed to deflect arrows and other missile types of weapons. Rod armor is made out of interlocking wooden plates and rods (native-languages.org/weapons).
They split wood, pine, redwood, spruce, woven like hazel branches. Next, they used Elk horn for spoons and flints. They held babies in baskets. Lastly, they did not fight very often because they only had bows and arrows. If they did fight the men wore vest of Elk hide. In conclusion, the Yurok had many different tools.
The Plateau Native Americans used rabbit pellets for some of their winter blankets and clothing. According to Sherrow, “rabbit pellets were prized for making warm winter clothing and blankets but it could take up to 40 pellets to make a smaller robe that a small child could wear” (Doc. D). The Coastal Native Americans had a milder winter and the Cedar trees were plentiful. Coastal Indians wore as little clothing as possible, but most of what they did wear was made from a tree that only bountiful rainfall could provide - the cedar tree. According to Aderkas, “…some [coastal] tribes sewed moccasins out of salmon skin”
The northern tribes used bones and deer antlers to make knives, scrapers, awls, fishing tools, whistles, and pendants. The first tribes denpended on agriculture were those that lived on the Atlantic Costal Plain. They learned how to make pottery and cloth. The cloth was woven with thread made from soft layers of splint baskets. They made musical instruments like pipers, rattles, drums, nd they were played during ruitals and ceremonies dances. They built two types of houses, long houses, and wigwams. The first type was formed by bending poles into a cone or dome shape and by tying the poles together with vines. The frame was covered with woven mats, bark, or hide . These people grew corn, squash, beans, pumpkins, and tobacco.
The Navajo Indians had to make their own weapons, such as the bow and arrow. The bow and arrow was one of the main weapons to use to kill animals. The Navajo Indians used other weapons like prayer sticks, claw dance stick, war shields, tomahawked,
Lived in the blazing heat, being chased by American soldiers. They were the only Native Americans fighting the U.S. soldiers and they ran constantly. They relied on their legs to run, raided villages for horses, clothing, and other goods, learned how to use a bow and arrow at a young age. For their scalps, the prices ranged. A child’s scalp was worth $25, A woman’s scalp was worth $50, and a warrior’s scalp was worth $100.
The native americans had many things that helped them survive today,you will learn about the desert regions
The Native Americans, at the time of the first encounter, were still very culturally and socially primitive compared to the Europeans. They moved a lot, lived mainly of fishing and hunting, spent their time cultivating and used primitive tools and equipment in their daily activities.
The axes were made from ground igneous, which are rocks crystallized by molten magma. Most arrowheads and knives were made of flaked flint. Medicine shields were sacred because it reflected the power of the warrior and was meant to give him spiritual protection. The war shield was made out of hide from the neck of a buffalo, which was smoked with glue made from bison hoofs. The war clubs were wooden and had knife blades protruding out of them.
Prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) the Americas were already a home to millions of natives that had already been there for thousands of years. The original natives of America before the arrival of Europeans were descendants of groups of hunters and fishers that crossed the Bering Strait between 15,000-60,000 years ago. Over time these natives developed their own techniques for farming, hunting and fishing. In addition, they had also developed their own religious beliefs, political structures, trading networks and hundreds of different languages. The natives, mostly lived on corn, squash, beans, and some fish, deer and turkey. They lived in 3 different kinds of societies. The three different kinds of societies were nomadic, semi-nomadic and
Native Americans lived on the North American continent centuries before the arrival of Europeans. These native groups developed and preserved cultural traditions. Many European explorers traveled to the New World around the 1500s in search for God, gold, and glory. This brought them into contact with the Native Americans, and led to a complete change in their lifestyle. Europeans brought the Natives diseases, forced them to relocate, and altered their cultures. All in all, the Europeans left a devastating impact on the Native Americans.
| Native Americans (American Indians)As the name suggests, these were the first people (natives) who lived in North America, Alaska and Hawaii. After Europeans settled in the U.S., native
When people tink about the first people in America, they might think of Christopher Columbus or the European colonists; when, in fact, the first people were the Indians. The Cherokee Indians had lived in the lands of what is now the United States for thousands of years before any colonists had ventured over. Little did they know that the new nation that was going to be forming around them, would severely affect the lives of their descendents.
They would hunt and gather food in order to survive. This led the way to tribalism where a group of hunter-gatherers would stay together in order to have a better chance of surviving.
The first Americans came from Asia, beginning as early as thirty thousand years ago, over a land bridge that formed at the Bering Strait during the Ice Age. The new immigrants were hunters and gatherers, and over a period of fifteen thousand years various groups spread over the American continents. By the time of the European “discovery” of the New World, there were perhaps as many as 100 million native Americans, the vast majority living in Central and South America.