
First Innovative Leadership Academy For Young Women Leaders

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I started doing most of my career research early on in my middle school and high school years. I was lucky enough to be selected among the hundreds of fifth graders and sixth graders that applied to go to the first innovative leadership academy for young women leaders. A middle school in the early 2000’s which was previously Porter Middle School to most austinites, was renovated in summer of 2007 founded and named after the late great female governor of texas Ann Richards. In a summer camp leading up to the grand opening of the school interns from UT had come to the school and engaged all 200 6th graders and incoming 7th graders in multiple surveys. These surveys were given to us early in the mornings every day of the week day. These …show more content…

The options for these programs were between media-tech, engineering, and my assigned pathway; biomedical. I was fortunate to come into my high school career having done research on medical professions that would open up my mind to my possible future careers. Through internships, biomedical science classes for 5 years, shadowing nurses and pharmacy techs, having EMS technicians come and show us the ins and out of a EMS transport vechicle, guest speakers and through various mediums of research my mind was open to many possibilities. I leaned towards the nursing and pharmacy tech professions and I went to intern at Dell Children 's Medical Center my junior year of highschool and also St.Davids. My volunteer experience allowed me to also look at different options I could go with a medical degree after graduate school. Towards the close of my high school career the veteran ARS students within the three pathways were put in separate groups and it was designed as a CAPSTONE project. This group was lead by ‘Skillpoint alliance.’ This group teamed up as well with other partners such as Dell, Austin Energy and K-EYE. This capstone project gave three roles such as the marketing and legal department, Engineering, as well as the administration and business department. Each department was assigned a supervisor and assigned different roles. Everyone was either exposed to their forte or their weakest subject and

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