
First Amendment Research Paper

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Throughout the years, the first amendment of the United States constitution has protected the right of freedom of speech,giving our community the privilege of express our thoughts without fear of being punished. The United States first amendment gives the people the privilege to express their thoughts without fear of punishment. The first amendments has brought a massive controversy in the society and between countries. Freedom of speech gives the people liberty, but in some instances should be limited because individuals have used it as an excuse to freely discriminate races, religions and others sexual orientation; however, it should not be limited in certain cases like people protesting for their rights in a positive way, without prejudice …show more content…

People have the right to say whatever they want and hate certain types of groups, it is totally their opinion and the others have to respect that fact; the problem becomes when one act upon those things . “In our country, acts — assault, battery, vandalism, arson, murder, lynchings, physical harassment — are punishable under our court system. But words — like nigger — or symbols — such as Nazi swastikas or burning crosses -- are protected by the courts as acts of individual expression.” (National Center for Human Rights Education). There is the recent example of Dylan Roof, a 20 years young man that started shooting in an African-American church killing 9 people including the pastor. It is depressing see how people can define another person and treat it like it has no value, when God made us all the same, and when we all have the same opportunity no matter our race, there is no color to be successful in life. It seems like freedom of speech is giving one the right to offend each other without suffer consequences because one have “ the right to express thoughts”, without think the emotional damage that can be caused to the other person. Arguments can easily provoke a fight, and a fight can provoke jail or even worst death, the first amendment should be limited …show more content…

LGBT are cruelty criticised and discriminated, and there is when freedom of speech become harmful ; This fact is a serious national issue, especially in young people. Since now everybody have the right to speak out their mind, malicious people do not hesitate to mock others, leading to brutal consequences as depression and suicide. Each person should be able to live life the way they want, and not worry about others opinions if their comments will not contribute anything positive, at the end of the day, they would not solve one problems for one give so much importance to them. Is true that God made man and woman to be together, not man and man or woman and woman, but we not God to judge nobody, and God will do his job ; They do not bother or interfere in people's life, they just want to be happy and express their thoughts as a part of the community , and they have the right to do it so. “The Presbyterian Church (USA) joined other religious groups in the United States, including the Episcopal Church, that sanction same-sex marriage or the blessing of same-sex unions, according to the Pew Research Center” (Christian, Kurt). Gay marriage is a prove that everything is possible if we put effort on it, no matter what people say. Since by

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