
First Amendment Research Paper

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There are numerous news television and sites which display stories of people demanding, fighting, or proclaiming their rights. Yet, the question of what it means come into play and whether these people are understanding the First Amendment. Knowing the difference between civil liberties and civil rights contributes to the knowledge of power and seeking what is entitled to a person. This interconnects with the idea of being knowledgeable about the Ten Amendments to the Constitution, referred to as the Bill of Rights (We the People). It is of great importance to know the five aspects of the First Amendment because one can better understand what has been lawfully entitled them and what limits and affect their rights. There is a common misconception …show more content…

Today, this is seen in mass media such as on the news, broadcasting, in journal articles, or most commonly through protest, which interconnects with freedom of press. This is a way for the people to express their ideas about politics and the government, and practice their Amendments. According to Ginsberg et al. freedoms of religion and political speech are equal to assembly and petition (We the People). The text continues by saying these are freedoms are what lead to action. For example, in court rulings such as the case of Snyder v. Phelps where the court protected the right to symbolic speech (Pg. 103). Although one might assume that due to the people in this case, regarding the prejudice towards homosexuality, a person’s sexual orientation would be supported and protected by the court. Yet, the in this situation the court protected the church, with the demonstration of the First Amendment (Pg. 104). Additionally, the aspect of civil liberties and civil rights will also contribute to this …show more content…

According to Cornell University Law School, “riots are three or more people using tactics of threat or terror to the public, which can take on labor disputes or political demonstrations” [w]hereas unlawful assembly is where three or more people meet with intention of carrying out an unlawful act to disturb the peace ( Riots and unlawful assembly places great exertion on peaceful assembly. It is vital to be knowledgeable of the first amendment and the aspects in it because if society does not recognize the its meaning or this case, what peaceful assembly is, then it will create more destruction. This limitation can further connect with the concept of affirmative

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