
Fire Research Paper

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Sunmi Famule Hour 7 Fire Essay F- On December 13, during seventh hour in my communications class on a Tuesday seven of us, Me (Sunmi), Morgan, Brandi, Maya, Rachael, Caralee, and Laine gathered in order to have a fishbowl discussion about the mistreatment and exploitation of marine animals.The primary purpose of this discussion according to our teacher, Mr. Wolfe was for us to select a committee type, create a problem, and then hold a discussion where we attempt to solve the problem in 30 minutes.The aquatic life representations, create a problem- marine animals are being exploited, hold a discussion that and create a resolution in 30 minutes. The second purpose of this activity was to help us become aware of the roles we as individuals play …show more content…

It correlates because we utilized many of the key terms mentioned in the unit. My group was a public group. This means that we gathered to discuss something for the benefit of the public. There was some primary tension especially after we decided on a topic for our first discussion. When we first grouped up, Rachael was extremely polite to everyone, Caralee remained quiet mostly throughout our first interaction, instead of directly telling people why their idea may or may not be a good ideas we danced around the subject in attempts to try and spare the person some injury to their feelings and we were overall very awkward around one another.This tension however quickly decapitated after the first discussion and we were more comfortable with one another. Our communication type was also interpersonal. There was a continuous face to face exchange of ideas, information, verbal and nonverbal amongst all group members. Our nonverbals also played a significant role in our first discussion. Though I did not speak with an aggressive tone my hands were crossed throughout the discussion. Crossing one's hands usually means that the person is not open to arguments and therefore is creating a barrier between themselves and the rest of the group. My group most likely noticed the unwilling nature of my nonverbals and this may have emphasized and added to the tension that already existed in the group. Also, Brandi refused to make eye contact with anyone during the first discussion and instead spoke down towards her desk during our first group discussion. This made it hard for us to read her facial expression and cage how she reacted to what others were saying. Our listening skills also played a role in our discussion. We had to both actively and critically listen to what other group member said. We were listening to understand what the words they were saying meant, and also for whether to not

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