
Fire In A Canebrake Essay

Decent Essays

Fire In A Canebrake Laura Wexler wrote Fire In A Canebrake to expose the truth of what happened in Walton County, Georgia in 1946 to the four black people who were lynched. The author wanted to show the racism in the south and how it conflicts with the truth of what happened. The author showed us that it took many years to actually get something done about the lynchings because the people in power in the south were just as racist as the people doing the lynchings. They didn’t want to get involved with the injustice and wanted to stay out of the problem. The author gave us the full story on what happened, because in 1946, many people never got the full truth. The author’s thesis would be that racism obscured the search for justice for the four black people who were lynched. Throughout this book, they showed how, at the beginning, there was hardly any search for the people who lynched the fur black people, showing that racism stopped them from …show more content…

She went to the direct sources of people who were involved in this incident, like the FBI and the NAACP. Many of her sources were from what people said happened during that time, so there are some cloudy areas in the book. Some sources are unreliable, such as the eyewitnesses who reported different things, but she also uses official documents that were recorded during this time such as the FBI reports and the NAACP documentation. The author’s broad range of sources gives a story from all points of view and helps discover the truth of what happened. I wouldn’t say that the author of Fire In A Canebrake is biased, but some of the points of views are biased. When some of the suspected lynchers are interviewed, they have different points of view because of their opinions. When the author explores the points of view of various people, in may seem that she is biased because of the biased views of the people she got the information

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