
Financial Bubble Essay

Satisfactory Essays

National Chengchi University
Department of Finance
ETP Graduate Investments
Fall 2010

Case Discussion Questions

Instructor: Professor Edward H. Chow 周行一

Case study: financial bubble
Case: Trouble with a bubble (9-808-067)
1. Why did Irving Fisher believe that stock prices had reached a permanently high plateau?
2. Why did the stock market crash in 1929?
3. Why did influential individuals like Fisher, Keynes and Rockefeller believe that the downturn would only be temporary?

Case study: investment banking business and global financial crisis
Case: Investment banking in 2008 (A): Rise and fall of the Bear (KEL378)

1. What role did Bear’s culture play in its positioning vis-à-vis its competitors, and what role might that …show more content…

Try to work out this question by assuming that Beta’s position had been 99% of equity funds invested in the index fund, and 1% in a riskless money market account. Imagine that you can switch from the money market account to CREIT, BG, or the index fund. Think about the condition for Sarah to be indifferent between switching to CREIT (or BG) and switching to the index.

Case study: Asset allocation
Case: Investment Policy at the Hewlett Foundation (2005) (5-206-114)

1. What are the financial issues facing the Hewlett Foundation (HF)? In particular, is HF’s newly proposed asset allocation policy adequate to meet the foundation’s long-term spending goal of sustaining a long-term real (or inflation-adjusted) payout ratio of 5%, while preserving capital in real terms? Is it adequate to meet its short-term objective of maintaining consistent spending without sharp fluctuations?
2. How does HF manage their assets?
3. Is HF’s donor stock sale program a good idea?
4. Are a member of HP’s Investment Committee, would you agree with the proposals to: a. Double to 20% the allocation to absolute return strategies? b. Implement the bondization and equitization overlay program? c. Make the 5% commitment to Sirius V?
5. With respect to b), what would be the effect of the bondization and equitization overlay program on the expected return of the absolute return portfolio? Which contracts would be the most

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