
Finance Reflection

Decent Essays

Over the entirety of this course I have learned many new things about finance and being financially stable through the rest of my life. One of the first things I learned was the importance of having an emergency fund in place. It made me realize that with an emergency fund it takes so much stress and pressure off being able to pay for unexpected expenditures that are just simply a part of life. Baby step one is something I have begun to work into my financial life and will continue to do so by putting any money I can towards it. Having an emergency fund is so simple but can help so much in my financial life to come. A lesson from this class I will most likely avoid is graduating college debt free. To graduate college debt free would be an amazing thing to accomplish, but is not an attainable goal for my current situation. As a high school senior, I have been unable to work and save money till this past summer. Because of this, I have little to no money saved for college and will end up having debt once I finish my education. Even though I will have some debt I have made it my goal to apply for any scholarship I qualify for to reduce the total amount of debt I will have. All in all, I am not completely avoiding this lesson I am just not going to stop my education to not go into debt. The most shocking and interesting lesson I learned during this class is that you don’t need a credit score to function in society or to be able to make large purchases. This came as a shock

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