
Filter Water Evaporation Essay

Decent Essays

Section 1: Gather the following information from field research while in the Phase 3 lab environment. Notice that each site you visit has a distinctly different surface, which could affect runoff. One Inch of Rainfall Shallow water infiltration Deep water infiltration Runoff water Evaporation water Vegetation 25% 25% 10% 40% Mountain 10% 5% 60% 25% Bare soil 20% 15% 35% 40% Section 2: One inch of rainfall deposits 144 cubic inches (0.623 gallons) of water per square foot of surface area. Use the following formula to calculate the amount of water after one inch of rainfall (in gallons) for each section: (0.623) x (square feet of surface area) x (% from lab demo*) = gallons of water *Remember 40% is written as “0.40” in an equation. …show more content…

Use this Phase’s activities and resources to assist you in answering. 1. How does the vegetation surface type affect the amount of runoff? Speculate why this happens. The vegetation surface type affects runoff since it is in contact with the soil. Once the soil absorbs all the water it can hold, the rest undergoes runoff. Through force of gravity, it moves downslope to other areas, carrying soil particles and sediments along. However, more vegetation cover results in less runoff while less cover results in more soil erosion. 2. How does the smooth mountain rock surface type affect the amount of runoff? Speculate why this happens. A smooth mountain rock surface enhances runoff because it is freeway passage without any chance of retaining any sediments. Other rough rock surfaces alternatively hinder runoff by retaining materials thus less runoff. 3. How does the bare soil surface type affect the amount of runoff? Speculate why this

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