
Filter Feeder Essay

Decent Essays

After years of only being able to study the impact of small filter-feeders near the surface of the water, a group of scientists in Monterey Bay, California, have invented a camera and laser device that can record data on the effects of filter-feeders deep in the ocean.[1][2][4] This device, given the name DeepPIV (particle image velocimetry), spent June to December 2015 observing 2 species of giant larvaceans in the bay. Because larvaceans don’t form their mucus “house” in a lab, this was the first time scientists have gained insight as to how these mucus membranes play a role in oceanic carbon cycling.
Each day, giant larvaceans create a filmy membrane up to a meter across that encases the creature. By beating their tail, the larvaceans then pump ocean water into the membrane, which acts as a filter that catches nutrients in the water that the larvaceans can eat. When the membrane gets too clogged, the larvaceans discard it, and it quickly sinks to the ocean floor, carrying carbon with it. Because of the speed at which the mucus sinks, the carbon-containing pellets of animal excrement bypass animals and drops to depths that hold carbon for long expanses of time. As Sari Giering, a …show more content…

As concerns about the ocean and how it will be affected by climate change rise, turning to animals may be our best bet. After all, discovered about the same time as this were caterpillars that are able to digest plastic. In both cases, scientists may be able to harness animal capabilities to protect the environment. Unfortunately, DeepPIV only collected flow measurement from 24 creatures.[1] Furthermore, only the footage of 10 giant larvaceans was analyzed.[4] Although more research is needed, I believe these discoveries could lead to more breakthroughs in the fields of climate science and oceanography, and possibly even help us find ways of protecting oceans from increased acidity and

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