
Figurative Language In Ted Kooser's 'Abandoned Farmhouse'

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In the world of poetry, meaningful stories are not always outright spoken to you. They are hidden in the visual clues, and choice of words that poets so elaborately craft. In the poem, “Abandoned Farmhouse”, Ted Kooser, uses different types of figurative language to create a poem that illustrates humanity itself. Kooser uses vast amounts of imagery, and sullen diction to show the devastated state humans fall into when faced with problems they cannot solve. Through the use of diction, Kooser shows how it is human nature to run from our problems. In the third stanza of the poem , he writes, “...the still-sealed jars in the cellar says she left in a nervous haste”. (20) By choosing to write “still-sealed”, Kooser hints out that the wife of the man living in the house has no intention of even opening them. It is depicted quite clearly that she wanted to leave as soon as possible without the husband knowing. The-sealed jars represent the …show more content…

Instead of having people tell readers the story through spoken words, the objects abandoned in the house do. Through lines such as, “Bible with a broken back” (5), and “rags in the window frames”(15), they allow the readers to visualize the torn apart house. The lonely rundown nature of the house mirrors how the man feels running from the house. Through the choice of imagery, the poet implies that feelings of pain and hurt are still left behind. Although the man runs from his problems, he cannot escape his feelings, just as how the house is forever scarred with the items left behind. Through imagery such as “toys strewn in the yard” (21), and “...branches after a storm” (22), the readers get to visualize the aftermath of the man’s rage. These choices of imagery tell a story long after they’ve happened. Although the house is abandoned, the emotions of pain and despair are forever embedded into

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