
Fight Club Psychology

Better Essays

1 Introduction

2 The movie fight club
2.1 Summary
The first, rather confusing, scene of the movie is actually the last one. This is due to the fact that the main story takes part in the past and everything happens in a flashback. Therefore, we see the ‘unnamed narrator’, as he is often referenced to by movie critics since his name is never mentioned, who was held at gunpoint seconds before, now telling the story of his unfulfilled, boring life. Acted out and narrated by Edward Norton we learn that the insomniac person used to live the most average life one could think of. As a result of losing the ability to cry or basically feel any strong emotions, he decides to visit cancer support groups, which help him feel better and rest at night. However, when Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), apparently …show more content…

However, left untreated the illness can cause significant damage and may lead to drug abuse, violent behavior or a higher suicide rate. Also, relationships and daily routines like going to work could suffer under the struggle of the patient trying to cope with DID. In the movie it is clear that the illness has existed for quite a while based on the narrator’s demeanor and symptoms, like insomnia, lethargy and depression at the beginning. After the encounter with Tyler, violence shows up as another symptom, but the narrator does not comprehend the illness as such and misses the fact that he might need medical help. In this aspect fight club is very close to reality as he starts drinking and harms himself with chemical burns. After he gets rid of Tyler, he seems to be a normal person again, which is questionable due to the duration the illness was left

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