
Fetal MRI Analysis

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MRI has been increasingly used for detailed imagining of the fetus in utero as well as pregnancy structures (Saleem, 2014).However, fetal MRI study may give limited diagnostic information in early gestational age due to the small size of the fetus and fetal movement (Saleem, 2014). Fetal MRI needs to use fast sequences due to moving fetus. Single-shot fast spin-echo (SSFSE) T2-weighted imaging is a basic sequence to visualized fetal structures such as the brain and vessels (Saleem 2014). T1-weighted sequences are mainly used to determine fat, calcification and hemorrhage. Some advanced imaging could be used to gain more information about brain malfunction such as; Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI), diffusion tensor imaging …show more content…

These calculations can offer understanding information into pathologic processes and microstructural abnormalities during fetal development (Qiu, Mori, & Miller, 2015).
The qualitative parameters of mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy are not dependent on patient head position (Limperopoulos & Clouchoux, 2009), which making them useful when imaging a fetus in multiple orientations. Directional information consistent to white matter fiber tract orientation within collimated bundles which can be presented in two or three dimensions, representing the structural and functional connectivity of the brain (Limperopoulos & Clouchoux, 2009). DTI imaging could be, limited because of the long scanning time, susceptibility to fetal motion and limited low spatial resolution and SNR. In order to reduce scan time parallel imaging could be used in DTI study protocol (Meoded et al., 2011).” DTI is more sensitive, than DWI, to patient motion, which can be challenging in fetal imaging” (Tocchio, Kline-Fath, Kanal, Schmithorst, & Panigrahy, 2015).
Diffusion tensor tractography
Diffusion tensor tractography (DTT) uses information achieved from DTI to map white matter tracts (Meoded et al., 2011). Tractography can be used to evaluate selected neural pathways using two different fiber tracking algorithms (Panigrahy, Borzage, & Blüml, 2010). Data acquired in tractography produces a

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