The above is a letter to a friend who is in need of an intervention. She feels as though a weekly girl’s night complete with cocktails and continuing to smoke would not affect her baby. Conventional medicine and science teaches us that smoking and drinking while pregnant is detrimental to fetal development and growth. It was my job to convince her to give up smoking and drinking while pregnant. It is a job that I was more than successful at completing. But now we must ask ourselves why in the year 2015 are people still uneducated about maternal and fetal health. What steps must we take as a society in order to change this destructive line of thinking? So, let’s start first on a national level. What should we expect our federal government to do in order to help educate our cohorts? First the Surgeon General should make maternal and fetal health top of her general with a call to action. By using this tactic it would make fetal and maternal health forefront in the public eye. The maternal and fetal health call to action would result in multiple national health initiatives. This call to action would have a trickle down affect right into our nucleus families. If a maternal and fetal call to action were to happen we would see a change in …show more content…
We need to instill the importance of responsible drinking and sexual interaction in our high school students. According to author Naomi Farber, “approximately 5% of young pregnant women (aged 15-25) engaged in binge drinking" and "24.8% of pregnant teenagers smoked" (Brown, 2003, p. 108) this is why it’s imperative that we teach our young adults starting in high school about the importance of fetal and maternal house. This would include not only teaching safe sex but also the importance of abstinence. By teaching our young adults what being parents is really like, you could drop the underage pregnancy
There is presently much controversy regarding teen pregnancy, considering that many countries in the developed world experience a rise in adolescent pregnancies in spite of the fact that effective programs are installed in these areas. Teen pregnancy has been a major issue in Los Angeles in the recent years, but the fact that state authorities have been actively involved in combating the problem has generated positive results. It is probable that the struggle for abstinence and the practice of safe sex have become less important for high school students in Los Angeles in the last few years, taking into account that teen pregnancy rates have gone up significantly.
Mary is a 28yo, G1 P0, who was seen for a follow-up ultrasound assessment for fetal viability. As you know, her pregnancy is complicated by a fetus with multiple anomalies including heterotaxy, an AVSD, fibroelastosis of the ventricle musculature, complete heart block, and hydrops. On today’s evaluation overall, the patient has no obstetrical complaints and still does have positive fetal movement. On arrival her BP was 134/90 and her urine was trace protein. Recheck of her BP about 5 minutes later was 130/88. She has gained 5 lb in the past 2 weeks but denies headaches, blurred vision, or any signs of preeclampsia. We did obtain lab work today and will forward these to your office upon return.
those choices on behalf of the fetus. This Article concludes that, while the maternal-fetal relation-
Introduction Severe abnormalities discovered during prenatal screening, can create a dilemma for the parents as well the medical practitioners. According to Warren (1997), " Moral status is a means of specifying entities or beings towards which we believe ourselves to have moral obligations, as well as something of what we take those obligations to be " (p. 9). This paper will explore the moral status of the fetus based on the five moral theories, “human properties”, “cognitive properties”, “moral agency”, “sentience” and “relationships”. Fetal Abnormality Case Study The actors in this case study Jessica, Marco, Aunt Maria and Dr. Wilson all have varying beliefs on the moral status of the fetus, but ultimately Jessica and Marco have to decide
The 24-year-old Caucasian female presents with painless vaginal bleeding grava 1 para 0 at 28 weeks’ gestation. She has no medical history, takes pre-natal vitamins and is compliant with her prenatal visits. She denies fever, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, syncope or difficulty breathing. She is married and her husband is with her for the office visit. They are both college educated with full time employment, own a home and no signigicant environmental risk factors to affect this pregnancy. They concienved naturally hand have been attending birthing classes and are actively engaged in the prenatal process.
Although the scientists often believe that conducting studies on newborns is just helping them get data, in certain cases such as the study of “oxygen levels] in incubators [...] endangering babies,” the study affected many infants lives, often not for the better (Millenson 1). Most people in today’s society believe that if students are not properly educated on the ‘causes and effects’ of pregnancy in general, let alone teen pregnancy, they will get pregnant at a young age and often times young pregnancies can be the cause of children born prematurely or with extreme disorders that can possibly go on to harm them later in life. While there are certain doctors that people without health insurance can go to, to get medical help, “many pregnant women [without health insurance] cannot receive early and medical attention throughout [their] pregnancy, which is vital to a healthy birth… ,”which can also be a cause of infant or even child mortality due to the lack of a job that provides the proper health care opportunities you need to have to properly raise a family (Cooper 2). Although most people would agree with the fact that studies involving premature babies and cases of child mortality are unethical when reading different results and due to the background and way the reader was raised in, they will either support the
"Teen pregnancy in the United States: In 2015, a total of 229,715 babies were born to women aged 15-19 years old, for a birth rate of 22.3 per 1,000 women in this age group. This is another record for U.S. teens and a drop of 8% from 2014. Although reasons for the declines are not totally clear, evidence suggests these declines are due to more teens abstaining from sexual activity, and more teens who are sexually active using birth control than in previous years. Still, the U.S. teen pregnancy rate is substantially higher than in other western industrialized nations, and racial/ethnic and geographic disparities in teen birth rates persist (" As teenagers (in the United States), we are peer pressured or tempted to try new things. Some teens tend to try out drugs, and alcohol. However, some are having unprotected sex in which, is leads to having babies. This is called, teenage pregnancy. This has caused the United States to create records based off of the statistics and facts given from, researchers across the United States. In order to help prevent teenage pregnancy in the United States, teenagers must understand why, having a baby now isn’t such a smart move on their part.
The advancement of medical technology has made it possible to detect medical abnormalities while a child is still a fetus and can create difficult choices for parents to make if severe anomalies are discovered. There are many theories regarding the moral status of the fetus that can be applied when deciding how to proceed if these abnormalities are detected. In the fetal abnormality case study, Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson each have varying opinions on what course of action to take based on these different theories of moral status.
As a result of the show “16 and Pregnant” airing, teens and young adults are able to witness what these teens have to face while becoming a parent. We learn that becoming pregnant can create a lot of drama for the teens. They can end up dropping out of school or not attending college because they can’t handle all of the responsibility. These teens also show how financially unstable they become while becoming parents. When watching these “16 and pregnant” episodes teens are more likely to realize how important it is to practice save sex. “16 and Pregnant” is a warning to teens on what they have to look forward to if they become teen
As future school nurses, fetal development could be an educational topic that would great benefit high schoolers. As you mentioned in your text, the fetus, children, and young adult are “susceptible to a number of environmental factors including drugs, chemicals, infections, and physical factors…because the brain is still maturing.” Nowadays, we see an increase in pregnancy and drug abuse on teenager population, and they would benefit to know risks factors, safe measurements necessaries to prevent any anomaly even before conception, and drug and chemical effect on the brain because would empower the students to make responsible choices about sexual relationship and life style.
A topic in American society that has proved to be an ongoing, and growing issue is that none other than teen pregnancy. In recent years, teen pregnancy rates have been increasing, which ultimately led to the topics increase of public and media attention. In American society teen pregnancy is often associated with negligence, as well as being irresponsible. In American society sex education for children is underdeveloped and instead society tends to use fear and shame to highlight/combat the dangers of unsafe or underage sex. American society uses fear to instill the idea that if you become pregnant as a teenager you are a burden to society. Along with fear society loves to shame its young women who have unfortunately stumbled upon the
In today’s society teens are faced with many pressures. The effect of these pressures put on them, is the inability to make right decisions when it comes to certain situations. One of the most common situations teens find themselves in is becoming a parent at a young age, a result of pressure to have sex from peers. Over the years, the numbers of teen pregnancy have indeed decreased, but in the United States alone, teen pregnancies are at an all time high. A recent study conducted by Victor C. Strasburger, a doctor at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, concluded that of the teen pregnancies, 95% of them are unplanned, and only a third of the pregnancies end with the mother keeping the child. With statistics like these, the
A few weeks ago, I was at a store when I came across a very young girl. She must have been no older than seventeen, but was so obviously pregnant. This did not surprise me since this is something common here in the Imperial Valley; we have such a high rate of teen pregnancy. What really caught my attention was that she was not alone; she had in her cart a toddler that kept referring her to mom. All I could think of was that such a young girl should not be concerned with raising a child, especially not two. Most young girls should be spending their teen years hanging out with their friends, going to parties, and enjoying school, but getting pregnant so young cuts out all your years of fun and freedom. The reality of the problem is that every year, teenage pregnancy, in the Imperial Valley, is increasing at an alarming rate. The Imperial Valley Press states that the “Imperial County has the fourth-highest teen pregnancy rate among 58 counties in the state” (Ruth 6). “Officials credit these high rates to a lack of sexual education that teaches both abstinence and protection and access to reproductive health care in the county” (Ruth 6). That brings the question to what the community should be doing to decrease these rates and help prevent teen pregnancy. Pregnancy at such a young age is the result of many things that come with great consequences. It should not be a problem that is overlooked. I believe that there is a solution to this problem: to establish sex-education
Teenage pregnancy is widely viewed in our society as a serious problem. According to Pregnant Teen Help, over 750,000 teenagers will get pregnant each year. This is a statistic that has lowered in numbers since the 1990’s mainly due to more teen pregnancy prevention programs in schools and contraceptive availability(). The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate than any other industrialized country in the world. About a third of these teens abort their pregnancies, 14 percent suffer a miscarriage, and 52 percent take their pregnancy to a full term, 72 percent of these teenagers are out of wedlock (). Many of these teenage girls that become pregnant end up with disastrous results they either leave school altogether or miss an entire year due to the pregnancy, thus graduating a year later. They receive low grades or fail due to excessive absences related to health issues. Once the child is born some teenage mothers do not have time to complete homework assignments because they are too tired after seeing to their child’s needs.
Having children at a young age has been an epidemic throughout the world for many centuries now. Even though the severity of the issues may be slightly different depending on the region, it still affects all nationalities. Unfortunately in undeveloped countries arranged marriage for young females continues to this very day so they can start a family of their own. Luckily, The United States of America has been able to decrease adolescents conceiving at a young age which was noticed back in 2005. Since this is so, actions have been taken to potentially abolish the issue of teenage pregnancy, however there are more steps to drastically change this issue in society. This was possible due to the programs that help educate the youth of all the possibilities that could result from having intercourse. Teenage pregnancy is deeply embedded and encouraged in most nations and as such a comprehensive effort to continue changing the culture is necessary.