
Fetal Health Case Study

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The above is a letter to a friend who is in need of an intervention. She feels as though a weekly girl’s night complete with cocktails and continuing to smoke would not affect her baby. Conventional medicine and science teaches us that smoking and drinking while pregnant is detrimental to fetal development and growth. It was my job to convince her to give up smoking and drinking while pregnant. It is a job that I was more than successful at completing. But now we must ask ourselves why in the year 2015 are people still uneducated about maternal and fetal health. What steps must we take as a society in order to change this destructive line of thinking? So, let’s start first on a national level. What should we expect our federal government to do in order to help educate our cohorts? First the Surgeon General should make maternal and fetal health top of her general with a call to action. By using this tactic it would make fetal and maternal health forefront in the public eye. The maternal and fetal health call to action would result in multiple national health initiatives. This call to action would have a trickle down affect right into our nucleus families. If a maternal and fetal call to action were to happen we would see a change in …show more content…

We need to instill the importance of responsible drinking and sexual interaction in our high school students. According to author Naomi Farber, “approximately 5% of young pregnant women (aged 15-25) engaged in binge drinking" and "24.8% of pregnant teenagers smoked" (Brown, 2003, p. 108) this is why it’s imperative that we teach our young adults starting in high school about the importance of fetal and maternal house. This would include not only teaching safe sex but also the importance of abstinence. By teaching our young adults what being parents is really like, you could drop the underage pregnancy

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