
Fetal Biometry: A Case Study

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Eva is a 32yo, G5 P4004, who is reportedly 15 weeks as dated by LMP of 11/26/16. She is obese with a BMI of 38. She os otherwise healthy. She is currently being treated for a UTI. She has 4 prior full-term deliveries, all without complications. She is here today for her anatomic survey.

On ultrasound, there is a live fetus in cephalic presentation Fetal biometry is consistent with 20 weeks 3 days giving a new due date of 07/31/17. We attempted an anatomic survey but it was somewhat suboptimal due to fetal position and maternal body habitus. The spine, heart, and kidneys were suboptimal. The placenta is anterior.

Eva reported that this was her 1st scan. Because the measurements were symmetric we redated her based on today’s ultrasound

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