
Fences Symbolism

Decent Essays

The title “Fences” can be a simple meaning. A fence is usually used in enclosing an area to make a boundary. Indeed it is used to mark a boundary in this story. Also, Troy and Cory are seen building a fence throughout the story. They build a fence and it becomes more complex through the play. The Fence is a important part of the story because of the process of building it and also how it is used as a symbol. Troy and Cory are seen discussing about the fence when Cory says Troy is not responding the way he likes it and is not taking the responsibility in building it but wanting to do other stuff like going to Taylor’s. When Troy is seen going to Taylor’s like he says, he really is going to Alberta’s. With this situation, the fence can mean that …show more content…

A example would be when Cory says, “Tell Mama I’ll be back for my things” and then Troy responds, “They’ll be on the other side of that fence.” Fence is being used in this conversation between the father and son as a line that is in between them. When Troy learns that Alberta has passed away, he cries "All right . . . Mr. Death. See now . . . I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna take and build me a fence around this yard. See? I'm gonna build me a fence around what belongs to me. And then I want you to stay on the other side." Troy realizes that his battle with death is going to fall apart and that his only result would be building a fence. He builds this fence in hope that it protects his family and him. The fence is used in describing Rose and Troy. It describes their personalities and the way they see things. Rose sees the fence as a symbol of keeping the family together whereas Troy sees it as keeping out. I feel that Troy thinks that because of the way he acts and he wants nothing to do with his family because of what he had to go through. The fence can also be a symbol of what Troy went through in the past and how he now can use it to block out what has affected

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