
Fences Play Analysis

Decent Essays

Even though the word fence is not spoken at this point in the drama when Troy expresses how he feels about liking his son Cory. It is the most powerful scene and nailing down of the fence in the play. Cory finally gets up the nerve to confront his father about their relationship. The two are alone in the yard working on the fence. While they are preparing boards to put the fence together Cory timidly approaches Troy. “Why don’t you like me?”, “Why can’t I have my chance?” A paid up college education a chance to be a football player; a dream come true. Who would not want that for their child? One would believe that a father would be overjoyed to have a star athlete as a son. Cory’s confrontation with Troy mirrors Troy’s own confrontation with his father. Cory is feeling a need for a future away from his oppressive and controlling father. He reminds His father how good his grades are and his ability to play an excellent game of football. He wants his father to see that this is his gate in his personal fence. With his father’s signature, the gate will unlock and allow him to walk out of one of life’s confining fences. For some reason only known to him, Troy will not allow anyone to make family …show more content…

He was responsible; working the land, picking the bales. Living his father’s way watching his own father live from woman to woman and making a living from the land. Troy’s farther found him, at fourteen-years-old with a young girl. He ran Troy off and took advantage of the girl. The only way Troy could survive was to leave the farm behind and try to make his own way in the world. Away from home, job or family to depend on Troy was unfenced. A friend was a place to stay and a living to scratch out wherever he could find it. He ended up in a bad place doing unspeakable things. Consequently this landed him in jail. Saving his son from the kind of pain he endured was his main priority or is

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