
Feminist Novel 'Like Water For Chocolate'

Decent Essays

Like Water for Chocolate is a novel which introduces many different types of women with different capabilities and characteristics. These women possess the ability to make life work out for themselves and disregard all of the obstacles in their way. People say that it is about Feminism. Feminism is the belief that all women should be allowed the same opportunities, rights, and respect as men because they are both human. It is for this reason that I believe that without a doubt, that “Like Water for Chocolate” is a feminist novel.

Although others may disagree and say that it isn’t a feminist novel because Tita in the end couldn’t resist to stay away from Pedro who was a very bad influence from her, “ Tita, don’t go. Don’t leave me” (201). …show more content…

This shows that Gertrudis’ passion for love and ability to do what was right, brought her to be happy with Juan. Moreover, Gertrudis also shows passion when she writes Tita a letter about herself, “ I ended up here because I felt an intense fire inside, the man who picked me up in the field in effects saved my life (126). This is important because not only does Gertrudis show signs of feminism, but also strong qualities that many men possess or lack of, such as the inability to tell the truth. …show more content…

Mama Elena is a very independent character who is also the mother of Gertrudis, Rosaura and Tita. When the Father comes over to the baptism party of Roberto, he questions who will take care of her and her ranch once Pedro is gone when she asks if she can move her daughter Rosaura to San Antonio, she says, “I’ve never needed a man for anything, all by myself, I’ve done all right with my ranch and my daughters” (80). This shows that Mama Elena didn’t need a husband to help her with anything, although the man is suppose to be the hardworker. Another reason is when Mame Elena says, “ Men aren’t that important in this life, Father”- she says emphatically” nor is the revolution as dangerous as you make it out! It’s worse to have chiles with no water around!

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