
Feminism In Jane Eyre

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During the nineteenth century women were often put down by society and not seen as equals to men, causing women to lack self-respect for themselves and seek self-confirmation from their religion. Feminism became a prominently emerging concept in literature as a way to show the views of women. Feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. In Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë uses feminism as a tool to shine light on these issues faced by women at the time. The inequality between men and women has become very apparent, creating a large effect on the premise of the novel. Jane Eyre has been discussed for many years in the academic community how Brontë incorporated feminism effectively in her novel. As can be seen in Emily Griesinger’s article, “Charlotte Brontë’s Religion: Faith, Feminism, and Jane Eyre,” feminism plays an important role in Brontë’s depiction of a young heroine’s journey towards self-realization. Griesinger shows an accurate depiction of how feminism plays a part in women’s fight for equality, self-respect, and the part it plays in religion during this era.
Feminism is most prominently exhibited in Jane’s views of the equality between men and women. It is fairly early in the novel when Brontë first shows Janes ideas on the comparison of genders, saying, “Women are supposed to be very calm generally: but women feel as men feel; they need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do;

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