
Feminism And Anorexi A Complex Alliance

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Feminism and Anorexia
In America today, there are unrealistic beauty standards women must face daily. When women can not meet this idea of perfection pushed by society, some women will risk their health just to fit a cultural stigma. Women are held to an insanely high criterion when it comes to beauty which tends to lead to negative body image. Ten percent of women in The United States of America report symptoms consistent with eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. Which concludes that a total of 75 percent of all American women endorse some unhealthy thoughts, feelings, or behaviors related to food or their body image-UNC Medical Department Although eating disorders are not subjective to women only, after reading “Beating Anorexia and Gaining Feminism” Marni Grossman and “Feminism and Anorexia: A Complex Alliance” Su Holmes, I will discuss how eating disorders coexist in the lives of women who struggle with body image, and what feminism can do to give these women a second chance.
While reading “Beating Anorexia and Gaining Feminism” Marni Grossman, Grossman models how a woman’s image reins supreme towering over any other attribute she may posses merely to fit the beauty norm. By sharing her personal experience about recovering from anorexia, Grossman explains how feminism saved her life. Although growing up in a feminist-friendly household, she became engrossed in the standard of beauty mass-media projects at the age of 16. Because of the social

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