
Female Effigy Analysis

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The female effigy vessels were found from the Averbuch site, Davidson County, Tennessee. They found three hooded female effigy bottles and the shape of it has a humpback. The particular effigy was on human hooded-bottle forms and the figurines represented the kneeling or sitting humans. Like many of the humpbacked effigies from the Central Mississippi Valley, the three humpbacked female effigy vessels from Averbuch from across the Cumberland region that are included among the ceramic human effigies (Sharp, Knight, and Lankford, 2011). They were made from shell tempered clay and they also had spinal humps. The female figurines kneel at rest with their legs underneath them, had breasts and bun hairdo folding her hands in her lap, and wearing …show more content…

The pattern imprinted on the garment may be used symbolic motif and the identification of the supernatural entity. The curving band of parallel lines began at the lower side of the torso, near the waist and along the inside of both arms. The female effigy had narrow breasts. The curving band also had a large oval as it wraps from the front over to the back. The female effigy had the hole on the back of the head, shoulder spirals, a hair bun and pierced ears. A negative-painted ceramic effigy was shown a woman clothed in a negative-painted patterned shawl. The female effigy vessels and figurines examined in this study are primarily distinguished by their decoration with one distinctive negative-painted pattern either on their natural buff earthenware paste or on a white-slipped prepared surface upon which the design is applied (Sharp, Knight, and Lankford, 2011). It signified what specifically about to possible identity of the female effigy who is cloaked in this patterned textile. Unfortunately, many of the negative-painted figures have lost some part of their design. The white slip of effigy could wear off. The female figures may prove to be indicators of social or religious significance. They believed that these female figurines were a reflection of the life

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