
Female Circumcision Or Female Genital Mutilation

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Female circumcision or Female Genital mutilation is a term utilized to describe a wide range of traditional practices in relation to female circumcision. This study addresses the practice within the Maasai communities of Tanzania and Kenya, Africa. This study will address this practice by looking at the historical and cultural context of the people, procedure, the various beliefs in the world, and within the community.

Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background:
Female Genital Mutilation refers to several manners of conducting operations of women and girls, involving the partial or total removal of external genitalia. This practice is considered a traditional practice amongst many people and communities throughout the world. While the practice has been ongoing for centuries it has been deemed a human rights violation on the grounds that it inflicts harm on females, including damaging them in a physical, sexual, and psychological manner. These rights violations fall under The Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa.
1.2 Statement of the problem:
Female Genital Mutilation has been executed over generations due to the social dynamics which have made it difficult for girls, and their families to abandon the practice. The practice has no health benefits; rather it is damaging the health of the women. These

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