Felson’s (1982) examination of self-reports revealed some interesting and somewhat unpredicted results. In support of his hypothesis, it was found that an insult increases the odds of a verbal dispute 3.2 times when the respondent is male, and 2.2 when female. Furthermore, a highly significant three-way interaction was found involving severity of outcome, sex of respondent and sex of antagonist. This showed that hostilities are more likely to involve physical violence when males conflict with other males. The odds of a physical dispute versus a verbal dispute increases 2.1 times when both parties are male, as opposed to both female. The likelihood of physical versus verbal dispute for two males is 4.3 times more likely than for cross-sex conflicts. These significant …show more content…
Besides the moderate amount of measurement error anticipated in the variables, there are many other ways of eliciting aggression apart from insult. Furthermore, it may be unintelligible to retaliate in some situations, for example if an individual fears further, more severe, retaliation from the opponent. It is flaws like these that disparage inferences drawn from IMA studies
Despite their methodological and theoretical difficulties, interactionist studies have played an instrumental role in bringing the criminal situation as a unit of investigation in the study of crime and deviance. Moreover, IMA’s emphasis on the subjective role of the offender serves to criticise both prior and ongoing research ignoring such factors (e.g. Cloward & Ohlin, 1960) It is clear on the basis of interactionist research that violent criminal acts are not a one-sided event with an unaware victim undertaking a passive role. Rather, they are the outcome of a dynamic interchange between an offender and
‘Despite several attempts to regulate campaign finance, money increasingly dominates the U.S. Electoral process and is the main factor contributing to a candidates success’ Discuss (30 marks)
If given adequate funds to perform research in this area, I would like to expand upon this research. I would use more of the population, older and younger men. I would pull from prisoners and those known to have aggression, anger issues and those known not to have issues. I would expand the independent variables to include using violent and non-violent video games, watching violent and non-violent movie clips, handling machine guns, unloaded of course, a baseball bat or maybe a machete. Some un-inhibiting items such as a stuffed animal, a Bible, or interacting with a child with a game. The saliva tests before and after the interactions are adequate and reliable. I would have the subjects also undergo a baseline blood pressure and heart rate check before and repeat that after the interaction. Also, answer a few questions before and after and perform a physical aggression test to determine their aggression levels.
The Roman Empire is credited with the development of many great achievements. These achievements can still be seen in Rome and throughout the world. The Romans are well known for their aqueduct system and huge colosseum that are still standing today. These monumental building feats would not have been created without the use and knowledge of many different techniques. The use of cement was one of the technologies employed to build these large structures. The utilization of arches was another. Many people associate the idea of arches with the Romans. However, they were not the first people to utilize arches. This paper will concentrate on why the Romans were credited with developing the arch; what they did to improve previous cultures use of arches; and how the Romans used arches to create massive structures that are still standing today.
Throughout the years, the association between a criminal offense and a criminal have become more relevant. Although there are many theories that try to illustrate the concept of why crimes happen, no theory has a profound influence of understanding an individual’s nature, relationship, development, and a society itself (Coleman & Ganong, 2014). To further explain, “theories of crime are defined in relation to modernity, spanning their development from the enlightenment to the present, with the advent of postmodernism” (Miller, 2012, p. 1798). In other words, theories of crime are an approach to understanding an individuals behaviour and actions in their environment, society, and themselves that may lead to crime. Nevertheless, within this paper, it will be comparing the case of
Andrews, D. A., & Bonta, J. (2006). The psychology of criminal conduct (4th ed.). Cincinnati: Anderson.
Aggression is a natural part of human behavior, and can even be adaptive in certain situations. However, when aggression manifests itself in violent behaviors, it becomes problematic. Patterns of aggression change throughout childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood, and these changes usually differ between males and females (Loeber, 1997). Physical aggression is typically greatest early in life and decreases during adolescence, whereas more serious violence tends to increase with age, particularly during adolescence (Loeber, 1997). Despite the changes that occur in aggressive tendencies throughout childhood and adolescence, aggression is seen as a very stable trait, almost as stable as
Many people associate the fall season with leaves changing colors, decreasing temperatures, and seasonal occasions such as Halloween and Thanksgiving. However, my family and friends think of college football. As I thought about the topic for my paper, it seemed most appropriate to research a hot social topic among college football fans. Which conference is the best college football conference? I think the Southeastern Conference is the best football conference, but since I am a fan of the University of Georgia, an SEC member, I wanted to make sure my thesis was based on historical facts and not blind bias. To do this, I will focus on five areas: Money generated, fan attendance, wins against non conference opponents(Including bowl games), number of national championships won, and number of players on NFL rosters.
“According to Kaj Bjorkqvist, a pioneer in the field of human aggression, the development of social and verbal skills allows for "sophisticated strategies of aggression," "with the aggressor being able to harm a target person without even being identified: Those strategies may be referred to as indirect aggression” ("Sex Differ- ences," 179).”
The focus of this paper will be on two contemporary criminological theories and their application to the crime film, Eastern Promises. The two theories to be discussed, and subsequently applied to the film, are labelling theory and differential association theory. Labelling theory falls under the symbolic interactionist approach, and the primary level of analysis of this theory is micro, as it tends to focus on the effect of labels on an individual’s sense of “self”. The basis of labelling theory is that no act is inherently deviant; it is only when the act is labelled deviant that it becomes so. When someone is labelled as deviant, they begin to see themselves as the label they have been assigned. This can cause the behaviour to happen more frequently, as the individual who has been labelled begins to see themselves as they label they have been given. A criticism of labelling theory is that it lacks empirical validity, and is deterministic. There is no way to effectively test this theory, so there is no way to know for sure how accurate the concept of labelling is and the effect it has on an individual and their propensity towards criminality. This and other aspects of labelling theory will be broken down and discussed later on in the paper.
In our debate we discussed whether women are just as violent as men. The pro side of the debate said yes women are just as violent as men, and the opposing side said men are more violent than women. In the yes side of the debate violence was described as physical and emotional assaults. As in violent acts carried out with the intention of causing another person physical pain or injury, no matter whether actual injury occurs, and any unjust, cruel act, or maltreatment of another human being. In the no side of the debate violence was just described as physical assaults, and not emotional assaults. This paper will discuss both sides of the debate, and the pros and cons of the arguments made by both sides.
As crime continues to occur, criminologists begin to define new theories to explain our seemingly naturalistic tendencies on what mental processes take place for an individual to actually partake in criminal activity. The symbolic interactionist perspective defines itself by its strong beliefs in the fact that criminals are defined by their social processes. The social process theory states that criminality is a function of people’s interactions with various groups, organizations and processes in society. For example, an individual’s connection with family, school, friends, religion and media would all be main factors in determining how their criminal structure within their personality came
The collection of all this data allows for theoretical explanations by criminologists on the social interactions between the victim and the offender(s).
the family of orientation. Statistics show that 73% of male abusers had grown up in a
The study was performed in 45 male undergraduate students from the University of North Dakota. The participants were self-identified as: 38 Caucasians, one Hispanic, one Asian, one African-American and two as mixed race. As a compensation for their contribution, participants were given the choice to receive either research credit for their biology class or to be given $10 dollars as a recompense for their time. Participants were asked to complete a modified Bem Sex Role Inventory, with the exception of two items related to aggression (Taylor, 1967) They also had to answer briefly questions about their own personalities. Participants were told that they would exchange Bem Sex Role Inventory forms with his adversary in order to give the participants
Statistics indicate many aggressors at some point or another have witnessed acts of violence. During childhood, these observed behaviors can have a major impact and influence on adolescent and adult attitudes, perception of self and others. "Children become more susceptible and prone to negative and dangerous behaviors which can