
Federal Reserve: The Roles Of The Federal Open Market Committee

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The Federal Reserve is the Central bank of America and act as the lender of last resort. The central bank was founded in 1913 by the then elected members of congress. The Federal Reserve board is comprised of 12 members. The head of the Federal Reserve is the board of governors. Janet L. Yellen is the current Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. Janet Yellen also serves as Chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee which makes up part of the central bank, the System's primary monetary policymaking body. The 12 governor’s represents the major regions in the country? Seven of the 12 member are on the FOMC board who is appointed by the President and confirm by the Senate. Each member serves 1 year, but can serve up to 14 terms depending on their appointment to the board. One of the members on the Board also serves as the Chairman of the FOMC whose headquarters is in New York City. …show more content…

The CB uses open market operations to buy and sell securities as a means of implementing their monetary policies. They also used the open market operations as a way to control the liquidity of available money by influencing the short term interest and the supply of base money; therefore as a result controlling the supply of money. They also set the target rate for the feds and setting the discount rate at which for member banks to lend money to each other. The Feds also evaluate the bank mergers and also implements foreign exchange policy on behalf of US government and the

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