
Federal Defense Spending And Military Budget

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Federal Defense Spending and Military Budget
The year 2016 has presented the United States of America’s presidential campaign trail with plenty of national security talk and it remains a separate issue whether any of the candidates’ proposals have been substantial or not. Competitors who wish to secure the Democratic and Republican nominations have given their views concerning national security and troop levels. Contenders in both the Democratic and Republican parties have a view that the best approach for discussing the federal defense and military budget issue with early primary voters is to have a heavy approach on rhetoric and go light on specific strategies. Some of the candidates are calling for an increase …show more content…

Although it may make sense to think that cutting federal defense spending and military budget will put the United States of America’s national security at risk, it is still not clear what the right choice is as presidential candidates still debate on increasing versus decreasing federal defense spending and military budget.
The United States of America’s defense budget is accounted for by the spending for the Department of Defense. All the funding directed to the Department of Defense covers its base budget through payment of the department 's normal activities (National Priorities). Most presidential candidates support the idea of the United States of America developing a bigger military force or at least leaving it as big as it currently is, except most notably Berny Sanders. The United States of America currently stands at a $494 billion-dollar deficit (US Debt Clock) and many politicians want to reduce this deficit by cutting down budget or enforcing a balanced budget amendment. Berny Sanders has for years and still at the moment still criticizing politicians who have such ideas which he terms as regressive. Berny Sanders argues that the federal defense spending and military budget are three times larger than that of the second biggest spender: China. He further argues that even among military members, many believe that

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