
Feasibility A Report On A Project Essay

Decent Essays

Feasibility When starting off a project you would need to look at if it is possible to create this project. The term that is used within feasibility is called TELOS. TELOS stands for Technology, Economics, Legal, Organizational and Scheduling. You would create a report with the use of TELOS as it covers if it feasible, if it is technical feasible, economically feasible, legally feasible, organizational feasible and timely feasible. Technical Feasibly The organisation would need to know if it is technical feasible meaning that they have to know if they have the correct hardware and software to create what they are asked to do. So if somebody asked if they could create a complex database on Microsoft Access, is it possible and if it isn 't suggest possible solutions that would be able to create complex databases on. Do they have the correct hardware and software to create the project or do they have the correct expertise to create the project. If the creators aren 't familiar with a piece of software but continue to use it there is a higher risk of something wrong happening because they aren 't familiar with a piece of software or hardware. Economical feasibility Legal Feasibility The organisation would need to know if it is legal what they are creating. Would there be any legislation that will possibly affect the creation of the project. There would also be laws that the company creating the project have to abid by so that they don 't have any legal problems later

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