
Fear Of Death In American Culture

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“I'm sorry to say this, but you have got only a few more months to live.” Most of the time, when individuals get sick, their biggest fear would be to hear these actual words coming out of the doctor's mouth. individuals often feel great fear stirring within them once they're reminded of their mortality. “So, what now?” they could ask, not knowing what follows this reminder of the quality of their very life. as a result of avoiding thoughts of death will only take them this far, and since death itself is an inevitable event, it'll come to haunt them. but in this case, it'll come back sooner, rather than later. However, the problem that must be addressed here is, where does this fear of death come from? Do individuals even perceive what death …show more content…

Therefore, to ignore the thoughts of death and dying, they're willing to do whatever it takes, including semantic-games playing. In fact, individuals are so fearful of death that they routinely ask for ways in which to eliminate death thoughts, along with the worry that comes together with it. within the culture of the traditional Hebrews, the body of a deceased is considered as something impure and thus, physical contact was disallowed while the first American Indians practiced rituals like shooting arrows into the air because they believed it to be able to force the bad spirits of the dead away. Multiple different cultures too, have rituals to deal with the body of a deceased and that they have all originated from this same feeling of fear. Also, the tradition of burying the dead beneath the tombstone might have started due to the want of people to keep the unhealthy spirits of these dead people, deep down within the ground, so that the departed will not return for them. Even the pebbles that mourners put on the grave may be symbols to point that very same want. although people usually justify the firing of guns at military funerals to be a final salutation to the deceased, it is maybe identical emblematic ritual as the Indians, where arrows and spears are shot into the skies. These examples were given by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (1969), the …show more content…

As most of the people, may know, death will occur at anytime and anyplace, on anyone. but this fear of dying, have the biggest impact on older as well as on terminally sick patients, particularly once they expect death. Besides that, the incidence of sudden deaths may also function a reminder to the individuals around, that life is fragile and may be lost at any moment. Hence, whenever individuals are reminded of their mortality, the first question that will sometimes pop in their mind is, “have I lived my life to the most effective that I can?” Then, that's when they begin to question themselves, on if they have achieved what their goal in life is. And once they feel that they might have done rather more with their lives, fear begins to dawn on them, as they worry concerning the limited time they currently have, to achieve what they aimed

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