
Father Jack Flaherty Analysis

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A Saint in the Making: Father Jack Flaherty
Priests can help you navigate your way through life because God’s voice shines through them. Father Jack Flaherty is one of the most compassionate and driven priest I have ever met. He goes from parish to parish spreading God’s love to everyone in need and goes above and beyond in making sure that everyone feels welcomed wherever they go. Due to his large time commitment, dedication to God and his parishioners, and his exemplary exhibition of heroic qualities, Father Jack is a hero
One important aspect of Father Jack’s life that makes him a hero is the large amount of time he commits to being a priest. Father Jack knew his calling was the priesthood, but he had no idea how much schooling went into it. According to, when becoming a priest men must go through three specific steps. First, they must earn a bachelor's degree in the fields of either philosophy, religious studies, or English (“Become a Catholic Priest: Step-by-Step Career Guide”). Then after careful reflection on their vocation, they need to study at a seminary, classes that prepare them for the priesthood by practicing preaching or studying church history by using their critical-thinking skills (“Become a Catholic Priest: Step-by-Step Career Guide”). Lastly, they must become ordained, when the future priest receives holy orders, a sacrament, from another priest, during a Mass or a celebration of their own (“Become a Catholic Priest: Step-by-Step Career

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