
Fate Versus Free Will In Beowulf

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The question of whether our lives are controlled by fate or free will has and will always be around. We will never have evidence that either is right or wrong. Fate versus Free will has always been a controversial question among society. For instance, in Beowulf this question is often asked, not literally but metaphorically, Fate is often the winner in most cases shown in Beowulf. However the choices Beowulf makes also contributes in how his fate shall end. Beowulf proves that fate is what makes him such a legend. He takes on countless of creatures because he knows fate is on his side. He chose not to take any weapons and let fate decide if him or Grendel would live or die. As for the story in Iliad, the characters constantly refer to their own and others final destiny and fate. …show more content…

1.496-98). Fate has given Achilles a short life, but later in accordance with the theory that men control their destiny and fate by their actions, Achilles chooses the short life with glory over a long life without glory. As for fate vs free will in Aeneid, Prophecy plays an important role in the Aeneid. How would the story unfold differently if characters were unaware of the future? In addition, do you think that their being aware of the future makes any difference? Today, fate is regarded as a benign force which can be easily combated with free will. Aeneas, a man who carries, perhaps the largest mantle of destiny on his shoulders. However, even though Aeneas accepts his fate, this does not free him from tribulation, as others, both human and immortal, attempt to resist fate, and alter its course according to their will. Our fate, or the way our life turns out, is the outcome of which ones we

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