
Fastrackid Argumentative Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Every June, millions of schoolchildren walk out of their classrooms and head toward summer fun—and academics is the last thing on their mind. And as every teacher will tell you, it can take weeks or even longer to catch kids up to the level they had achieved the year before and settle into making actual progress! With today's challenging curriculum and emphasis on Common Core test scores, can you afford to let your kids fall victim to "summer slide?"

Kids should enjoy summer fun; after all, play is an important developmental experience too! But enrichment programs and summer classes can be a part of that fun, and keep kids up-to-speed so they're ready to learn in the fall. Here are 5 reasons to send your child to FasTracKids this summer:

Instill a lifetime love of learning
All parents want their children to enjoy school. Head …show more content…

Don't let them spend their summer months in front of the television or video game console, feeling isolated and lonely! Summer enrichment programs bring children together, help them boost social skills, and build lasting friendships.

Great alternative to daycare
Working parents face a dilemma each summer—who's going to care for the children? Why pay for a daycare or a babysitter when you could instead choose a program that includes Math and ELA, science classes, and more from a licensed teaching staff. We also have after school programs to fill in the care gap through the end of your work day.

Tutoring for "catching up"
If your child struggled in school the previous year, summer enrichment at FasTracKids can offer reading help and math help with personal attention in a low-key, no-pressure setting, and give him the foundation to succeed the following school year. We also offer tutoring year-round for children ages 3.5 through 14, so extra help is always available.

Gifted & talented

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