
Fast Food Deserts Research Paper

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In cities around the world, there is an abundance of fast food restaurants that serve unhealthy food that is cheap and affordable. Over 500,000 of these people living in cities live in food deserts with no source of healthy, nutritious food (“Equitable Development Toolkit Access to Healthy Food”). Since these low-income men and women live in unhealthy areas, they have a higher chance of becoming obese. In these unhealthy areas, the only access to food is through fast food restaurants and convenience stores. Therefore, there is a limited source of healthy food. Obesity rates in low-income families can be improved by making healthier food more affordable, easier access to healthy food in food deserts, and eating healthy food over junk food. Obesity can cause a series of health issues and potentially death. These low-income families become obese because they eat unhealthy, fatty foods. These foods are cheap and affordable, which …show more content…

A food desert is an area where access to healthy food is very restricted. This is an issue because there is little to no source of healthy, nutritious food. Due to the abundance of food deserts, fast food and processed foods have taken a toll on these low-income families. In Megan Prendergast article, “The Shocking Truth About Food Deserts and American Obesity,” the author with a bachelor of science introduces the fact that “people who live in the poorest socio-economic status area - many of which are food deserts - have 2.5 times the exposure of fast food restaurants as those living in the wealthiest areas” (Prendergast). These fast food restaurants and convenience stores are selling this unhealthy food at low prices, which makes it convenient for these low-income families to eat out every day. By eating out every day these low-income families have a higher chance of getting obese because all of the fatty, high cholesterol foods

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