When you go out and buy a burger or a soft drink do you ever think about the consequences of what you’re putting into your body? One of the growing epidemics in America is the fact that people seem to be eating too much fast food that is causing obesity. Not only does fast food cause obesity but you are also at risk of other illnesses such as, heart disease, diabetes, and blood pressure. The leading cause is due to all the fast food that we have available at all times. Everywhere you look you see billboards, commercials, and restaurants. Fast food is also very addictive and is what can cause a person to become obese. And it also has a lot to do where you surround yourself, where you live, and even the people you are around that can …show more content…
Instead, they peddle mainly fast food restaurant items, sugary beverages and cereal (Barclay).” In other words, these companies intentionally are trying to promote fast food instead of nutritional food that is good for you. Why is that? Most likely this is because fast food is addicting and produces a lot of revenue to companies. Fast food companies want you to become addicted to their fattening products. First, they condition you into eating their products by advertising it everywhere and then when you eat the product you become addicted. Why is fast food so addicting? According to the article, How Food Addiction Works by Krist Gunnars it states that, “The brain knows that when we eat, we’re doing something “right,” and releases a bunch of feel-good chemicals in the reward system, such as the neurotransmitter dopamine – interpreted by our brains as pleasure (Gunnars).” In other words, when we eat fast food our brain is wired in a way where it feels like we’re rewarding ourselves with something good in our systems when in reality we’re hurting ourselves by continually eating junk food. Most of this has to do with what it in the fast food that gets people hooked. Most of the fast food we eat is filled with sugar, fat, and sodium which are very addictive. In the article from Healthline called The Effects of Fast Food on the Body by Ann Pietrangelo and Elea Carey, it talks about how, “added sugars have no nutritional value
Even though some advertisements stimulate our appetite, those advertisements don't say that their fast food is healthy. Moreover, it has been often said that fast food has bad effects for our health, through newspaper, television, and other media. Most people should know these facts. To add to that, as I mentioned before, there are some fast food shops which serve health foods compared to other fast food shops, so if people are really concerned about their health, they can choose those fast food shops. Therefore, the problem should be attributed not to the fast food companies, but to individual choice.
This video is verey hulpful to let the people know about the fast food and how it can effect on theur health especially when the restaurants of fast food are using anitbiotics in the meat and it is know to casuse a lot of diseases like memory loss and it is verey dangers for the kids because it is causing a low level of intelligence
They also offer a false sense of control. You appear to have many choices - a Big Mac, a cheeseburger, a quarter pounder, a double quarter pounder or a "Big 'N' Tasty" - but they're all pre-packaged, frozen, pre-cooked hamburger. If you want to be radical, have fried chicken, fried fish pieces, even flatbread sandwiches. But you have no control over portion size, or the way your meal is cooked. One of the ways we learn who we are is by the choices we make. Americans let this happen. Now fast-food corporations are infiltrating our public schools, in the form of funds in exchange for advertising. The deliberate marketing soft drink and fast-food companies direct at the youngest of children is wrong. It seem that Americans have just become so used to the fact that McDonalds is always there for when they are running late and do not have time to fix dinner. Or to calm their children down if they are acting up. Fast food industries make it so easy for people to be lazy. The number of obese adults and children in America has risen directly alongside the increase of fast-food restaurants and has extracted high personal, physical, and financial cost to the nation. In the end Americans are like guinea pigs for the fast food industries, being used to see what they can do and how far they can go.
Studies have shown that adding extra coffin, salt, sugar and other ingredients in the fast food, makes us consumers addicting, resulting in an excessive consumption and in the end - fat. Morgan Spurlock
"We don 't walk. We overeat because we 've made it easy to overeat. We have fast-food joints on every corner. By the way, the 'we ' is all of us. It 's not the government. It 's all of us doing this together.”(Mehmet Oz). Fast food has been affecting Americans lives since the 1919’s and 1920’s where the first fast food restaurant originated. They were called A&W in 1919 and White Castle in 1921. More than 3 million cases of obesity in America happen a year. Over time the frequency of fast food restaurants increased and became more common in people’s lives. Big fast food franchises such as McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy 's, and Pizza Hut have changed the world and not in a great way. Over 3 million cases of diabetes happen in a year and an estimated 17.5 million people died from CVDs in 2012, representing 31% of all global deaths. Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the body’s inability to produce any or enough insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood. Fast food is food that can be prepared quickly. It is easily and quickly sold in restaurants and snack bars as a quick meal or to be taken home. Obesity is the condition of being grossly fat or overweight. Cardiovascular conditions are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels. Many people suffer from these diseases and it becomes a negative impact in their lives. Fast food causes diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular conditions.
While most people generally know that fast food is not good for their health, they still eat it for various reasons. Most people that buy fast food are low income, uneducated, and/or are people just trying to save a couple of bucks. However, the people trying to save money by buying fast food will eventually end up spending more money from the cost of doctor 's visits, medicine, etc.
Everywhere where you go, there are fast food companies advertising their products. You take a road trip to your family's house, and what do you see? Rest stops filled with fast food restaurants. According to Google maps, there are close to 50,000 fast food chains across the United States. (with Mcdonald's being the largest restaurant chain.) Fast food companies go above and beyond to lure you to buy their products. But what exactly is in their food? Not many people look into that. All they're looking for is a quick fix and convenient food. But, what is this food doing to your body? How do you know what you're
In my point of view fast food is addictive because it seems that the more fast food we eat, our body tends to carve more food. Something that they put into fast food is a lot of chemicals, some way I can notice this is leaving a French fry laying down for several days and nothing happens to it, it doesn’t change but if you leave a homemade French fry it gets moldy and ugly. Fast food can cause very bad health, which can lead to diabetes, cholesterol and even bad blood pressure. There has been cases were too much fast food causes obesity and can lead to heart attacks or something even worse like death because the heart gets covered by all that fat and leads to death. The chemicals that are put into the fast food is something that gets us the consumers addictive because the chemicals that they put make our system addictive to whatever they use in their fast food.
A great amount of customers spend a lot of their wage to go out and eat fast food. Not to mention the foods they order may have a ton of calories and they do not even realize it. This may also cause a bad diet and a bad appetite. As a matter of fact people who go out and eat fast food rather than cooking a homemade meal tend to gain more calories. The reason for these is because customers do not know what it in there food.
All throughout the United States, fast food companies rule the streets. Everywhere you look you find a McDonalds or Burgerking and although their foods are filled with greases and fats, we still love them. It’s common knowledge that fast food is ridiculously unhealthy compared to average meals, and yet we still find them spreading across our globe spanning from India to Venezuela. Despite our knowledge of the nutritional value of fast food, it remains popular due to availability, price, speed, and minimum effort.
Most fast food contains too many calories. According to Pollan, single meal from fast food restaurant often contains two-thirds of calories that a person’s requirement for a day (104). Sugar and fat are energy enrich foods; therefore, our instincts tell us to eat as much as we can, in case, if we cannot find food. The ingredients of fast food are loaded with saturated fat, Trans fat, carbohydrate, hydrogenated oil, sodium, and sugar. Since fast food is cheap and easy to get calories we need, people end up eating more than they should. Obesity results when we take more calories than we use because the body stores these extra calories as fat and it adds up over time. Later, these cheap calories can lead to obesity and higher the risk of other health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.
Fast food. Doesn’t that sound great? Fast food is a wonderful tasting meal that comes right at your command, but have you ever thought about what’s in it. What you are eating is a big meal of lies. Fast food companies have much power to make themselves look good, and that’s what they do. So, do you want to know the truth?
In 2007, one study found that 31 percent of American men and 33 percent of American women have a body mass index of 30, at least. This means that in society today, they are considered obese (Human Diet, 2014). 1/3 of children are overweight or obese. 2/3 of adults are overweight or obese (McCarthy, 2010).What is causing this mad epidemic outbreak? Media is enticing the eyes of many viewers by the way they present themselves (What Causes Obesity, 2006). Advertisements in the fast food industry are persuading people to eat their greasy, fat, salty, unhealthy foods (McDonald’s Advertising Themes, 2013). In order for people to live a happy, healthy life, they must change their eating habits. However, fast food advertisements are contributing to what is making eating habits so hard to change, with their misleading advertising. Fast food is slowly but surely killing us, yet we hardly notice until it finally hits hard.
In today’s world of technology and medicine, it is a widely known fact that fast food is extremely dangerous to our health. The most common epidemic related to fast food is obesity. From their research in 2011-2012, the CDC states, “Approximately 17% (or 12.7 million) children and adolescents between the ages of two and nineteen years old are obese” and “more than one third (34.9% or 78.6 million) adults in the U.S. are obese” (Overweight). Obesity can lead to a number of other health problems, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and a greater risk for cardiovascular disease (Dangers). While fast food
First cause of fast food is a delicious taste of it. Nowadays people prefer the taste of the food more than anything health else. Because of the good taste of fast food it make people eat from it more and