
Fashion Is A Fashion For Last 75years

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Fashion is a manner and style especially clothes, shoes, makeup and hairstyle. When I came from my home country, I have not much knowledge about fashion, and even do not know more about fashion brand. I was learning from technology, school and start follows American fashion. In eighteen century, people were also very fashionable as we are mostly seeing in the old films and pictures. The fashion was started from Europe and England because on that time Kings and Queens were fashionable and spends money on luxury items. The Queen Elizabeth has famous because of fashion and style, because she is wearing bright dresses, necklace etc. The brands we are use now a day’s also established in many years back like Coach is in the fashion for last 75years. Now a day’s fashion is change every spring, summer and fall because people are more creative to do something different. Social media is the main source to develop the latest fashion between new generations. People are follows facebook, twitter, instagram because celebrities, models, and companies share their fashion with public. In the twenty century people have jobs and money that’s why they start spending on technology, and fashion, on the other side there are competition in the fashion industry so it’s difficult to compete it.
Women and Men both were fashionable from the thirties but women were more fashionable as compare to men. “Women’s fashion during the early-to-mid thirties reflected the American culture and this ideology of

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