
Fascism As An Effective Form Of Government

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People have argued for a long time about which form of economy is best. Some think only one form of economy is the best, some think it depends on the situation an individual country is in, some think none of them are good. In reality all forms of government and economy work, (Except Anarchism, as no government is not an effective form of government) depending on the leader, and the situation the country is in. For example Fascism, a totalitarian form of government where one man is the complete dictator over a country, can theoretically work with a perfect leader. The issue is, you will not always have a perfect leader. Just like in Fascism, there are many issues and problems in all the other forms of economy and government. The job each country's …show more content…

That's the equivalent of a middle class person throwing a quarter into a homeless man's cup every year. And while one hundred thousand dollars certainly isn’t a quarter, but it isn’t as much as she could be giving. If she actually cared about helping people, she would give away much more than that, but she doesn’t, because she is greedy, and only gives away enough so that people will call her a good person and fuel her ego, but that’s besides the point. What I am trying to get at is that the only thing rich people are doing is hoarding money, but for what reason? You could suspect it’s to invest and put back into whatever company they own, which will in turn help the people by creating more jobs, but that simply isn’t the case. Look to Mcdonald's for an example. One of the biggest, and definitely the most famous, or infamous, fast food industries in the world. When their employees demanded more money from them, they merely replaced them with machines. So if their goal is not to make jobs, and is certainly not to have good service or a quality product, what is it? It's quite simple really, it’s to make money. They have the end goal of pleasing the masses just

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