I am so excited to be writing this president’s letter, Sydney Thompson loved having you as a Province Director, so I am very happy that I am going to get the chance to know you as the new District Team Director! I’m incredibly honored that I have the opportunity to lead the Gamma Xi Chapter, and I cannot wait to see what is in store for the rest of this year and for 2018. As each year passes, I am amazed by the hard work that each woman puts into our chapter to make sure that we are successful and strong sisterhood. That above all else makes me proud to be a part of Gamma Xi and Alpha Delta Pi as a whole. I came home to Alpha Delta Pi in fall of 2014, as a very scared freshman who wasn’t sure if she was going to make it. Before school …show more content…
Some of our highlights are going to grand convention and finding out that we earned the Diamond-Two Point Award, sister Miranda Fifield studying in Ghana and spending her free time building houses and educating people on HIV/AIDs and women’s health, sister Megan Ewens, shadowing doctors at the UC Davis Medical Center, and sister Stephanie Katz, volunteering with DHL to fundraise over 7,000 dollars. Overall, we are all enjoying summer but we can’t wait for September to get here, so we can move back into ADPi and enjoy time with our sisters! Gamma Xi has also reached two of the goals we set in January as a chapter. One goal, was to raise our GPA to a 3.25 by the end of the 2016-2017 school year. Gamma Xi’s chapter GPA is now a 3.26! Our other goal was that we wanted to be the sorority who volunteered the most in our community. We were are very happy to find out that, on average, each woman in the Gamma Xi volunteered 9 hours. This gave us a total of 1492 hours spent giving back to the community with organizations like Friendship Manor, Relay-For-Life, Adopt-A-Block, UCSB First, the Alzheimer’s Association, Cottage Children’s Hospital, and many more. Overall, I believe that Gamma Xi has a very strong sisterhood. We have had our ups and downs, but I believe that the bonds that we have created have held true. This past academic year we have had a few membership terminations due to women feeling as though they did not find the right fit. We are addressing this by
In his farewell address, Washington warned against political parties and foreign affairs. The first two political parties, Federalists and Democratic-Republicans, formed pretty much right after Washington left office. However, we did follow the advice to stay out of foreign affairs up until the presidency of James Madison and the War of 1812. John Adams stayed away from war with France and England and Thomas Jefferson passed the Embargo act to try to stay out of the mess of war. During James Monroe’s presidency, we have the Monroe Doctrine to warn other nations not to come and mess with the United States. The European nations heeded this warning and we stayed out of any conflict. In later years, we did not follow the advice to form political
Gamma Phi Beta sorority at the university of missouri at columbia by the chapters blood donation coordinator Christie key. With the establishment of Key’s credibility it allows her readers to understand why she writing the email and also forces them to adhere to what she has to say because she has authority over them. Again in Antony's speech Antony has a valid reason. “He was my friend,faithful just to me.”
According to Ellis, Washington had a great deal on his mind when he composed his Farewell Address. He wanted to leave some sound advice in regards to what the new nation should do if it was to remain strong. This he believed that they must continue to strive for national unity. This advice was not only for the American people but for the political leadership. Washington was aware of the political divisions and parties, and wanted to tell them that they must set aside their political differences and work for the best interest of the United States. He wanted to convey to them that if they were able to do this, they would be able to preserve unity which would eventually preserve the nation.
First president of the U.S and also the commander in chief during the American Revolution for the Continental Army.
At the end of his second presidential administration, after forty-five years serving America, President Washington did not want to leave without imparting some final guidance and wisdom. To do so, Washington, working from drafts written by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, wrote a letter to the American people titled “The Address of Gen. Washington to the People of America, on his Declining the Presidency of the United States” and more popularly known as “Washington’s Farewell Address.”
I wish to become a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated because I want to be a part of an organization of women who are not afraid to go the extra mile, positively impact the community, and stay true to who they are. As a teen I participated in “From Girls to Pearls”. During my time in the program I learned many life skills that served valuable to me in my adult life. One of the most memorable experiences for me is when the sorror’s of Gamma Zeta Zeta taught a workshop on how to eat in a professional setting. They taught the girls in the program which fork to use for the salad and which fork to use for the main course. My sophomore year in high school I did a junior internship at Vory’s and Sater a law firm in downtown Columbus. The Associates at the firm were very amazed that I knew how to carry myself in a
In 1796, George Washington, who was known as being one of the greatest leaders in history, wrote an important document to the American people. This document was written to inform and help prevent the Americans from making any mistakes or decisions that could hurt the nation and the people in it. You should know that Washington was extremely sensitive to the importance of public appearance and he used his departure from Presidency to publicize a major final statement of his political ideas. He wrote what would later become his Farewell Address. He wrote this document with the help of James Madison’s in 1792. The Farewell Address to the United Nation was never essentially delivered verbally with words, it was first published
My most meaningful moment in Gamma Phi Beta was the day I was elected Chapter President. Throughout my life, I have never been very confident in myself or my abilities. During the whole election process, I was expressing a lot of self doubt. I didn’t know if I could hold a position, let alone help lead our chapter. My hesitation soon disappeared when my sisters wanted me to become president. Without my sisters supporting me and encouraging me, I would not be as a happy as I am, nor would I be as confident as I am today. Gamma Phi Beta has given me so many meaningful memories, but the most important thing that Gamma Phi beta has given me is confidence in
George Washington, the first president of the United States, had written a very important historical speech and document towards the end of his time in office. He had written the Farewell address which focused on helping America understand the importance of preserving unity, acknowledging the rise of political parties forming, strengthening religion and morality, and he stated his position on American foreign policy. He addressed these ideas with strong tone and used incredible amount of dictions that strengthens his tone as well as representing his appeal to ethos to a strong degree. However, today’s society seemed to forget Washington’s position on foreign policy and has created a new form of the policy. But nonetheless as time grew,
A Zeta is a woman who is community conscious and action oriented, and as such, someone who is continuously thinking of innovative ways to better the community around her. As a finer woman of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., I believe that I uphold these ideals. Ever since I was a young girl with no knowledge of what Zeta was, I have always possessed this insatiable need to help others. This need to help those around me only intensified as I went through my journey of life. When I learned about our amazing sorority, I not only, became instantly drawn to our founding principles, but also realized the opportunity to serve and reach out to others I would gain through the organization.
“Washington’s Farewell Address” is a compelling and inspiring speech that lifts the spirits of Americans while George Washington rejects taking a third term as President of the United States. This speech was never spoken to an audience, however, the speech was published in the American Daily Advertiser newspaper. This speech was created by George Washington, but James Madison and Alexander Hamilton helped Washington edit the document. It took George Washington, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton 5 years to publish the speech. The speech was finally published in 1796.
Alpha Kappa Alpha, Sorority, Incorporated purpose is to be of service to all mankind dealing with critical issues in communities domestically and internationally. What I have grown to understand an envision a woman of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated to be, I accredit largely to the ladies of the Gamma Theta chapter. This has the result of attending many of the chapter’s events during my time at Hampton thus far. One of my favorite events was a screening of a documentary Girls Rising. I learned to appreciate every opportunity to learn and gain knowledge because in some parts of the world girls are restricted from receiving an education. A
George Washington wrote a farewell speech in 1796, marking the retirement of his leadership of the United States of America. He published his goodbye, titled his “Farewell Address,” in many papers. The long, revised copy of his speech, originally intended to be read at the end of his first term, tells of how he wanted to retire four years previous, but how he had been begged to stay on. He states that he never considered himself to be worthy of leading the
The purpose of this letter is to inform you of my interest in becoming a member of the Nu Zeta chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated. My desire to have the opportunity to become a brother of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity incorporated is grounded on encounters, characteristics and the prestige purpose and history of the fraternity.
I don’t have the courage to face you, this is the reason I am writing a Goodbye letter to you by pouring out my feelings, emotions and thoughts about why I am leaving this relationship.