
Farewell Letter For President Letter

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I am so excited to be writing this president’s letter, Sydney Thompson loved having you as a Province Director, so I am very happy that I am going to get the chance to know you as the new District Team Director! I’m incredibly honored that I have the opportunity to lead the Gamma Xi Chapter, and I cannot wait to see what is in store for the rest of this year and for 2018. As each year passes, I am amazed by the hard work that each woman puts into our chapter to make sure that we are successful and strong sisterhood. That above all else makes me proud to be a part of Gamma Xi and Alpha Delta Pi as a whole. I came home to Alpha Delta Pi in fall of 2014, as a very scared freshman who wasn’t sure if she was going to make it. Before school …show more content…

Some of our highlights are going to grand convention and finding out that we earned the Diamond-Two Point Award, sister Miranda Fifield studying in Ghana and spending her free time building houses and educating people on HIV/AIDs and women’s health, sister Megan Ewens, shadowing doctors at the UC Davis Medical Center, and sister Stephanie Katz, volunteering with DHL to fundraise over 7,000 dollars. Overall, we are all enjoying summer but we can’t wait for September to get here, so we can move back into ADPi and enjoy time with our sisters! Gamma Xi has also reached two of the goals we set in January as a chapter. One goal, was to raise our GPA to a 3.25 by the end of the 2016-2017 school year. Gamma Xi’s chapter GPA is now a 3.26! Our other goal was that we wanted to be the sorority who volunteered the most in our community. We were are very happy to find out that, on average, each woman in the Gamma Xi volunteered 9 hours. This gave us a total of 1492 hours spent giving back to the community with organizations like Friendship Manor, Relay-For-Life, Adopt-A-Block, UCSB First, the Alzheimer’s Association, Cottage Children’s Hospital, and many more. Overall, I believe that Gamma Xi has a very strong sisterhood. We have had our ups and downs, but I believe that the bonds that we have created have held true. This past academic year we have had a few membership terminations due to women feeling as though they did not find the right fit. We are addressing this by

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