
Fanatic Cancer Case Study

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A review of the medical records indicates that he has adenocarcinoma of the lung. He is on chemotherapy- oral Gilotrif. He is followed by Dr. Wertheim for oncology, which he saw last week. He is schedule to have a PET scan next week.
At today’s visit he is awake, alert and oriented. He reports feeling well. He states that is shortness of breath has improved. He states that he is using his oxygen as needed, but he uses the nebulizer every 4 hours. He reports dull, achy, intermittent chronic cancer pain in the chest and back. He states that his pain is well palliated with his current pain regimen of fentanyl 25 mcg patch Q 72 hours and prn oxycodone 5 mg. He rates his pain as a 2/10. He reports a great appetite and that he is having regular bowel

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