
Family Vs Transracial Adoption

Decent Essays

Even though I may look different from my family , I’m still grateful to be included in a loving and caring one.
How is being adopted different? It can be confusing for the adopted kid and to others especially if you are a transracial adoptee, because they spot the difference and then want answers.
Coming to the United States from Taiwan at the age of 3 was a long and difficult process. At times I would wonder when and if I was ever going to be adopted or assigned to a family. I recall that I used to scream, cry, and throw tantrums as I grew up. Adjusting from a small crowded orphanage to a big comfortable home with my new permanent family was easy. However, becoming accustomed to a new language and culture without peers next to me who understood …show more content…

For the kids, I want them to not take their adoptive family for granted, but to accept who they are no matter the differences from their family. I want to inform parents and siblings, how kids feel about what its like to be adopted, and that there are many pros and cons about being an adopted child and for the adoptive family. Overall, in my opinion, being a part of a loving family was worth those long days waiting to be …show more content…

It may take six months or more from the time you apply before a child is placed in your home; it will take at least three to twelve months after that before the adoption may be finalized in court.” Beside the length there are other procedures in finalizing the actual adoption. First, you would decide on an adoption agency. After choosing an agency, you must submit an application. Including, background information, family composition, and number of people living in your home. Then the family would have to go to a series of meetings, interviews and training sessions to see if they are ready to adopt or capable to raise their new adoptive child. Once the agency has approved their homestudy, they then work together to place a child. After the family has choosen a child they’d like to raise, it’s time to visit the child in person. The visit can last for a period of weeks or months before the child moves in with the adoptive family. After three months, if the placement is deemed successful, the agency will approve the adoption. Finally, The Office of Children and Family services states, “ an adoption generally is completed with the assistance of an attorney retained by the adoptive parents the attorney files a petition in court. When all the agency papers have been submitted, the adoption is finalized in court. The family agrees to

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