
Family Therapy Reflection

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When the therapist met the client at home for individual therapy, the client greeted the therapist and he was feeling happy "good." Client reported that he feels happy this week as he won the soccer game at school and the baseball as well. Client reported that he saw his parents during the weekend and he was happy to see them and they were different this time as they did not fight together or with each other as well as my mother did not got drunk. Client reported that the lowest time of the week was at the end of the Mother's birthday Party when he had to say good bye to his parents as he processed with therapist stating, "I feel bad, sad, and not happy because I want to stay with my family". Client reported that he cried when left the biological …show more content…

Client reported that he is enjoying his time with his foster family as he stated, "I like my foster father as he spending time with me, he is taking me to my training after school, and he is a funny person and makes me lough all the time". Client reported that he has a good time at school as he reported that he likes the school and has so many friends to talk and play with. Client reported that he is enjoying being an athletic person playing, football, baseball, soccer, Tae-Kwon-Do, and exercising. Client shared that if he has a free time at home, he likes to help his foster father in gardening and doing his chores, or drawing, coloring, and watching a cartoon movie. Client shared that he does not experiencing any sleep problems, he does not wake up during night, he does not have any flashback, or nightmare. When asked, client reported that he was able to use some of his coping skills this week such as; self distraction when he remembers any bad memory like when the police took him from hid parents and put him with a foster family. Client reported that he would focus on something else like thinking about the next visit to his

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