
Family Therapy Case Study Essay

Decent Essays

Gil (2015) Ch. 3 Q 1: “What are the most important aspects of this reading and why?” The most important aspect in the reading is creativity in play therapy. The textbook noted the importance aspect is being opened minded and self-ware of creativity. There is misconception about creative development which is substantial for counselors to be aware regarding implementing play in therapy. The reading indicated that a growth mindset is a way to develop change, ability to improve and decrease worrying about imperfection (Gil, 2015 p. 57-59). Another major aspect in the reading was the three interacting dimensions, such as creative mindsets, creative thinking, and expressive processes. Having a creative mindset was explained as being playful and …show more content…

This chapter focuses on the family genogram as an assessment tool for play therapy. The family genogram can be created during an individual or family session. The reading indicates that during family play therapy, it is better to observe the family working on the same project together then taking turns. As well as using miniatures for the family therapy versus individual therapy, during family therapy the counselor can see a clear view of different alliances and interactions within the family (Sori et al, 2015 p.13-15). In the case study with Lola, it was essential for the client to express her relationship at home and as well as school. During the individual genogram, Lola was able to describe her relationship with her family without any interference from relatives. However, Lola and her mother was able to create family genogram together, that assisted them to be aware and acknowledge each other feelings, which helped them developed a stronger bond family (Sori et al, 2015 p.16-17). In this chapter I really like the metaphor that the counselor used for Lola and her mother on holding hands and lean back, this is a technique on trust and depending on one another to not let go. I believe this metaphor can help rebuild family relationships (Sori et al, 2015

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