
Family Life Cycle

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The family is considered to be an important institution of society, it is responsible for different functions such as reproduction, emotional support and economic support.(Haralambos and Holborn, 2004). "The family is a social group characterized by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction. It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintain a socially approved sexual relationship, and one or more children, own or adopted, of the sexually cohabitating adults." (Murdock, 1949) Additionally Functionalist Sociologists have explained that the family unit is a key institution used to maintain the proper function of society. They highlight that the main charge of the family is to teach the offspring the norms and …show more content…

These perks that come with entering Erikson's last psycho-social stage helps these elderly individuals to live a little more comfortably.
In 2002 Prime Minister Patrick Manning introduced a new sub division at the Ministry of Social Development called the Division of Ageing. Manning explained that the Trinidad and Tobago population is ageing, meaning that citizens over the age of forty make up the majority of our population. As such there needed to be measures put in place to ensure these individuals are being taken care of. So as we can imagine this division takes care of the concerns of the elderly population.
In addition no matter how much the government try to make these individuals' lives comfortable other citizens work to worsen the positions of these retired peoples. There have been cases where children of these pensioners take the money provided by the government to use for themselves, ignoring the needs of their elderly parents. There are retirement homes that house the elderly, those whose children work and cannot take care of them, some of these homes mistreat their guests again making these retired individuals uncomfortable. The Division of Ageing handles these cases,

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