
Family Is The Most Important Things

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We do not choose the family with whom we grew up, it is predetermined for us by God. People often say that the most important things in life are the things God gives us for free: life, love and family. Our family is the people that were put in our lives by God because He thought them to be essential for us. As humans we like to be accepted, feel that we belong somewhere and are loved. All those things, we get from family. Is it therefore ever an option to give up on one’s family? The definition of family is different for everyone; it can vary based on how or where one was raised. As Americans we often associate family as our “immediate family,” the people with whom we grew up. Which mainly consists of our siblings, parents and sometimes we might even include our pets if we have grown up with them! As we get older and create a family of our own our definition of family includes primarily our spouse and children. In South America, and other areas, “family” can be a pretty broad term. Not only does it combine immediate family, but will often include cousins, grandparents, friends, family friends, friend’s family. Although people from the United States and South America have very different definitions of whom they consider to be a part of family, the base of the definition is the same. They are people with whom we feel the closest bond and care for the most. In Homer’s book ‘The Odyssey’, family is not made out to have a concrete definition. One can argue

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