
Family In Brave New World

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Family is the basis of most people’s lives. All people come from similar places, and weather they stay with their birth parents, or live with relatives, or even stay with a completely different people, they are all forms of family. In the novel, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley published in 1932, a dystopian novel that tells about a world where any form of relationships such as family bonds are completely demolished. This was so that people will not experience any agony or unhappiness if the family member dies. However there also is no such thing as love because the people are conditioned to not have any real feelings about other people. Babies are created in a lab and the terms “mother” and “father” are too embarrassing for someone to say …show more content…

It is the idea of who people are and where they came from. Family can influence how a person is brought up in the society of today. When people think of family, usually it is very typical to see one man and one woman with a couple of children. However, this is not the ‘typical family’ as there are families with two dads, two moms, only one parent, families with relatives staying with them, and extended ones with step parents and siblings. Even though the concept of family is extinct in the novel Brave New World, there is one example. John the Savage cares deeply for his mother, Linda. Many years ago, the DHC had a relationship with Linda, but once she became pregnant he exiled her to the Savage Reservation. Despite all of this, Linda loves John. Later in the novel Linda and John arrive in London where Linda gets deathly ill and is put into the Hospital for the Dying. John demonstrates how upset he is and telling the nurses that she is his mom, but they do not simply understand, “Startled by the expression of distress on his pale face, she suddenly broke off. “Why, whatever is the matter?” She asked. She was not accustomed to this kind of thing in visitors” (204). John is showing strong worry and emotion to this woman and the people there are confused. In their society this would never happen because mothers do not exist and no one would be showing this strong emotion. In today’s time it is a very normal thing to be distressed over a family member, even if they do not fit the cookie cutter version of a family because they are still

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