
Family Health Promotion Paper

Decent Essays

Family health promotion starts at home, it is a family affair, a family process that sustains or enhances the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being of its members; the family nurse plays a vital role in facilitating this environment (Kaakinen, Coehlo, Steele, Tabacco, & Harmon Hanson, 2015). The use of routines and rituals is a nursing intervention that can assist families through empowerment, to take control of their health, to produce healthier outcomes. Routines provide structure and order in a family’s daily life, while rituals provide a more formal perspicuity of the family unit. Using routines and rituals nurses can assist family members with constructing, modifying, or changing their routines to facilitate the health needs present in their household, leading to better outcomes. Therefore, this type of intervention would benefit families whose members suffer from chronic illnesses, and who need to …show more content…

Managing a child with asthma especially with today’s busy families can be stressful, frequent follow-up visits, medication regulation, and environmental management all contribute to family disruption. Research has shown that a supportive and well-organized family decreases the child’s risk and severity of asthma symptoms. As a family nurse my initial action would be to conduct a qualitative interview such as, Family Asthma Management System Scale (FAMSS), that would allow me to evaluate their asthma knowledge, symptom assessment, response to symptoms, environment control, medication adherence, intervention of healthcare professional, and how they have integrated asthma into their family life (Raymond, Fiese, Winter, Knestel, & Everhart, 2012). Based on this information we generated a list of basic strategies that the parents felt would be helpful in managing their child’s asthma, through organized

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