
Family And Familial Values

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Family values, sometimes referred to as Familial values, are traditional or cultural values (that is, values passed on from generation to generation within families) that pertain to the family's structure, function, roles, beliefs, attitudes, and ideals. In the social sciences, sociologists may use the term "traditional family" in order to refer specifically to the child-rearing environment that sociologists formerly called the norm. This "traditional family" involves a middle-class family with a breadwinner father and a homemaker mother, raising their biological children. Any deviation from this family model is considered a "nontraditional family". Nontraditional families, nevertheless, make up the majority of American households, as of now. According to Oxford English Dictionary, family values means: [n.] values attributed to or derived from family life; [spec.] values allegedly learnt or reinforced within a traditional, close family …show more content…

Filial is the oldest one in Chinese ethical category. Filial appeared in Zhou Dynasty (1046B.C.—256B.C.), and the original meaning is respecting ancestry, repayment and raising up children. Then Confucius (551B.C.—479B.C.) change its religious and philosophical significance into the only means that you should take good care of parents. In “Book of Filial Piety”, the moral values that reflect family-child relationship had been fully politicized. Confucianism had been used to run a country and teach all the literati since the Western Han Dynasty (206B.C.—A.D.24). Its dominance had lasted for few thousand years until the May 4th Movement of 1919. But, nowadays, Chinese students still need to learn some part of the Confucianism since their childhood. This makes the Confucianism still has a great influence on political, economy, ideology, etc. As the core part of the Confucianism, Filial culture has been developing for few centuries, and has rooted in Chinese daily

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