
Family Abuse Cases

Satisfactory Essays

Jackie has had many negative things happen in her life and these things affected her life. Her family life was very challenging her family is not close at all. She comes from a family of five none of them are close her sister Vanessa have no relationship. This failed relationship leaves her in a state of loneness, because a person first social contacts are their family.
One learns closeness from their family and this is something that Jackie does not have. She has a bother Michael and he is absorbed in high school. Her parents had a rocky marriage, but were stable financially. What made the marriage hard was her father’s drinking problem. Jackie mother would leave her father during his long periods of drinking.
The first issue that Jackie has is with secure base and safe haven. She has not had this since a child, this was her parent’s job when she was a child. Because of their internal fighting this left her lost and confused. It was the duty of both of her parents but, it seems to be the fought of her father who had the drinking problem. This put her mother in a challenging situation, so in most cases she had no choice but to leave. …show more content…

So this along with their infighting her safe haven was lack thereof. Separation and loss is another issue affecting her as an adult. Her mother was her main attachment figure and when she died it left her lost. Her issues are due to her lack of addressing the death of mother.
Jackie lack of properly dealing with her death is affecting all the other parts of her life. She should have gotten some type of counseling to deal with her grief. Another area was the separation from her father during, his drinking issues. This has also contributed to her feelings of separation as an adult. Her mother should have realized that by taking her from her father it was going to lead to a negative

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