
False Stereotypes

Satisfactory Essays

The purpose of the study was to see if people will end up believing the fake stereotype that we told them and if it will end up effecting their performance when completing the survey. The two independent variables were Gender (male vs female) and Survey Type (if they were told the stereotype vs not told), both independent variables were between-subjects factors. The dependent variable was the time they took to complete the survey, which was measured in seconds. Our prediction was that if we did not tell the participants the fake stereotype then they would take the same amount of time to complete the survey. But if we did tell the participants the fake stereotype then there would be a difference, with the males falling for the stereotype threat and end up performing worse compared to females. To test our hypothesis we had students complete an online survey on SurveyMonkey without telling them the main focus of the study, and we randomly assigned each participant the different survey type. From our data we saw that the main effect of Gender and the Survey Type were not significant, but there was a marginally significant effect in the interaction between Gender and …show more content…

For instance, if the males were told the stereotype then the average time for them to complete the survey was 591 seconds, but when they were not told the stereotype then the average time for them to complete the survey was 520. Even though there was a difference, it was not significant. For females though, it did depend whether they were told the stereotype or not. For instance when females were told the stereotype it took them 433 seconds to complete the survey, but when they were not told the stereotype it took them 739 seconds where there was a marginally significant difference depending on whether they were told the stereotype or

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